The International Higher Education Environment: Human Jungle or Garden of Eden? Presentation to the Multi-National Higher Education Forum New Zealand 15,


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Presentation transcript:

The International Higher Education Environment: Human Jungle or Garden of Eden? Presentation to the Multi-National Higher Education Forum New Zealand 15, 16 & 17 March 2006 Colin Walters Department of Education, Science and Training Higher Education Group Manager

Factors influencing the internationalisation of education Increased mobility of: Students Labour Employment Research

Factor – Student Mobility International student mobility to OECD countries has doubled over the past 20 years The number of international students coming into Australia has tripled since 1990 In 2004 Australia received approximately 230,000 international students Source: Internationalisation and Trade in Higher Education, OECD (2004)

International Students Coming to Australian Universities Source: DEST data

The UK Experience Source: Higher Education Policy Institute, UK

Destination of professionals leaving Australia

Factor - Employment Mobility Example - India: – The Bangalore miracle – Outsourcing legal services from the US & the UK By ,000 legal jobs expected to shift from the USA to developing countries Infosys

Factor - Research Mobility The BRIC countries – Brazil, the Russian Federation, India, China – India to overtake Japanese spending on R&D by 2035 Science & Technology in Asia – China to increase R&D spending by 2.5% of GDP by 2020 – new emphasis on science parks which focus on biotechnology and life sciences Additional R&D spending in US, Europe: – But an ageing demographic in many countries – Where will the workforce come from?

Responses to the Internationalisation of Education Australian Government Initiatives Collaboration – Between institutions – Bilateral & multi-national agreements International Organisations & Fora – Who are the major players & what are they doing?

Responses.. Australian The Endeavour Scholarships Programme - AUS$111 million over 4 years Australian Mobility in Asia & the Pacific (UMAP) Programme – AUS$6.2 million over 4 years Federation Fellowships – AUS$38 million over 4 years

Response – Collaboration Between Institutions In Australian universities had approx 4,485 formal agreements with overseas higher education providers – Increased focus on Study Abroad arrangements – Growth in agreements with the USA, China and several European countries (particularly Germany and Sweden)

Collaboration Between Institutions cont… Source: International Links of Australian Universities, AVCC (2003)

Collaboration Between Institutions cont… Source: International Links of Australian Universities, AVCC (2003)

Response – Bilateral and Multinational Collaboration International Programmes – Erasmus: the Higher Education action of the European SOCRATES II programme – Framework: a budget of $17.5 Euros ( ) to integrate research activities across Europe Bilateral Relationships – The Australian Government currently has in place approx 20 MoUs with other countries – Agreements cover staff exchange, co-operation in R&D, information exchange, recognition of qualifications & credit transfer & the development of twinning programmes

Response – International Organisations & Forums UNESCO – International dialogue on the recognition of qualifications – The Lisbon Recognition Convention – Building capacity in the area of trade in education services OECD – Thematic Review of Tertiary Education – Education at a Glance – Guidelines on “Quality provision in cross-border higher education” ( ) – Focus on developing countries

More OECD … Programme on Institutional Management in Higher Education (IMHE) – Monitoring & efficient management – Attracting & retaining high quality staff – Managing & supporting research Committee for Science & Technology Policy (CSTP) – Next meeting being held in Sydney March 06 – Research into the use of patented knowledge – Review of China’s science & technology policy – Evaluation of publicly funded research

International Organisations & Forums cont… The Bologna Process – 45 European signatory countries introducing reforms intended to create an ‘integrated European higher education area’ – This process has implications for other countries Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) – Industrial Science & Technology Working Group (connecting research & innovation) – Human Resource Development Working Group - Higher Education Quality Assurance and Accreditation Project - aims to collect and disseminate information on APEC economies' quality assurance and accreditation arrangements and identify best practice elements

Towards the Garden of Eden? International qualifications frameworks – Relating to international professional accreditation & the spread of postgraduate entry level qualifications Better credit transfer and articulation systems International accreditation standards Transnational development of research qualifications – (e.g. soft skills considered in the Bologna process) Interaction with visa regimes Bilateral and multi national research frameworks Transportable student finance? International quality standards and assessment processes – The role of “league tables”?

…the League Table Phenomenon Worl d Ran k Institution*Region Region al Rank Country Nation al Rank Score on Alumn i Score on Award Score on HiCi Score on N&S Score on SCI Score on Size Tota l Scor e 1Harvard UnivAmericas1 USA Univ CambridgeEurope1 UK Stanford UnivAmericas2 USA Univ California - BerkeleyAmericas3 USA Massachusetts Inst Tech (MIT) Americas4 USA California Inst TechAmericas5 USA Columbia UnivAmericas6 USA Princeton UnivAmericas7 USA Univ ChicagoAmericas8 USA Univ OxfordEurope2 UK Yale UnivAmericas9 USA Cornell UnivAmericas10 USA Univ California - San DiegoAmericas11 USA Univ California - Los AngelesAmericas12 USA Univ PennsylvaniaAmericas13 USA Univ Wisconsin - MadisonAmericas14 USA Univ Washington - SeattleAmericas15 USA Univ California - San Francisco Americas16 USA Johns Hopkins UnivAmericas17 USA Tokyo UnivAsia/Pac1 Japan

And keeping down the jungle….

Setting to work.. The role of Governments, institutions and NGOs Putting together the grand design?

The International Higher Education Environment: Human Jungle or Garden of Eden? Presentation to the Multi-National Higher Education Forum New Zealand 15, 16 & 17 March 2006 Colin Walters Department of Education, Science and Training Higher Education Group Manager