Lena Barnes Paul Curcione Lucinda Hudson Sophia Markland
AKS (CCGPS) Booklet Please look over the AKS booklet. AKS found on the website: Please sign the AKS booklet and leave the insert with me Fourth grade test : CRCT
*Student/Parent Handbook -Please sign and tear out the back page at this time *4 TH grade promotion requirements *My eClass student portal & letter *POD Release Form
If you are interested in allowing your child to bring their “personally owned device”, please fill out this POD release form.
Math * Estimation * Number Sense * Data Analysis/Coordinate system * Multiplication/Division * Measurement/Weight * Order of operations * Decimals/Fractions * Plane figures * Measurement/Angles * Solid figures * Algebra
Math *Math Workshop Model -Small group instruction *Daily Calendar -Preview and Review Activity *Spiral review Homework
Science * Water, weather, forecasting * Solar system, stars, and star patterns * Phases of the moon * Light * Sound * Force, mass, motion and simple machines * Gravity * Ecosystems * Adaptation, survival, extinction
Reading Genre Sequencing Plot, theme, character Making Inferences /Predictions Cause and Effect Vocabulary Listening and Speaking Skills Nonfiction features Poetry Monitoring Comprehension Summarizing & Main Idea
Reading *Reader’s Workshop Model -Mini Lesson (Focus) -Guided Reading Groups (Independent Reading, Library, Reading Response Letters, Technology, Lit Calendar Reader’s Theatre) -Closing/Sharing
Spelling *Word Study Root Words: -Focus on common Greek/Latin Roots Spelling Patterns: -Word patterns -Synonyms, antonyms, homophones
Social Studies Map Skills Native Americans European exploration in North America Colonization American Revolution The New Nation Westward Expansion Reform movements Personal finance
Writing (Writers Workshop) Informational Narrative Persuasive Responses to literature Poetry Summaries
Writing (Writers Workshop) *Writer’s Workshop Model -Mini Lesson (Focus) -Independent Writing (Conferencing ) -Closing/Sharing
CategoryWeightingNumber of grades Reading Comprehension38%4 Skills28%3 Fluency10%1 Reading Level20%1 Interim/Post4%1 Writing Grammar25%3 Assisted Writing50%2 Unassisted Writing15%2 Writer’s Notebook10%1 Spelling Spelling Patterns50%4 Spelling Roots50%4 Math Tests48%3 Classwork48%5 Interim/Post4%1 Science Tests48%3 Classwork48%3 Interim/Post4%1 Social Studies Tests48%3 Classwork48%3 Interim/Post4%1
A: 90%-100% Excellent Progress B: 80%-89% Above Average Progress C: 74%-79% Average Progress D: 70%-73% Below Average Progress U: 0%-69% Unsatisfactory Progress *You can access your child's grades at any time on the Parent Portal. I strongly suggest that you check this with your child often. Parent Portal
Students will have the opportunity to retest on any assignment in which they scored under 74 % with one exception – reading comprehension tests. If they score 85% or higher, their new grade will be 85%. If they score below that, their grade will be the higher of the two tests. The Friday Folder will inform you as to how many assignments, if any, your child scored below 74%. Parents are required to sign the assessment and return to teacher before the retest is given. Most retests will be given either on Tuesday (Mr. C’s study hall) or Thursday (Ms. Barnes study hall).
Barnes ScheduleCurcione Schedule 8:25 Block C: SS and ReadingBlock B: Math and Science 10:05 Writing 11:00 Recess 11:30 SSScience 12:00 Lunch 12:35 Grammar 12:55 Specials 1:45 ReadingMath
Daily Consequences: 1st- Warning 2nd- Teacher assigns consequence 3rd- Teacher assigns additional consequence: Contact the Parent and infraction is placed on the Student Behavior Action Plan. In the case of a more serious infraction an administrator will determine the consequence immediately. Daily Conduct E – Excellent behavior – no behavior concerns S – Satisfactory behavior – 1-2 behavior concerns N – Behavior Needs Improvement – 3-5 behavior concerns U – Unacceptable behavior – 6 or more behavior concerns
Class Work No work, No play until it is completed Homework Located in agenda Must be turned in next day Behavior Weekly Checklist Class Checks Friday Folders Papers Returned Papers Kept home Signatures
*We will not dispense any medication without prior written approval by parents. Medication must be personally delivered by a parent in the original child-proof, labeled container, and the parent must complete necessary consent forms. Children cannot bring medication to school. * All food allergies need documentation from your physician to insure the health of your student. If a special diet is requested for religious or parents preference, written documentation is needed.