ESS Annual Review Science Directorate - Dimitri Argyriou ESS update Andreas Schreyer Director for Science European Spallation Source ERIC Engineering STAP ESS June 17th, 2016
ESS Project Scope on Instruments Neutron Scattering Systems (NSS) NSS Scope: 22 “public” instrument suite by 2028 together with a technical and scientific support infrastructure that enables scientific excellence and high quality scientific user service. Science Support Laboratories Sample Environment 22 Instruments Analysis and Visualisation Software Science (Publications) Ideas (Proposals) 2 Construction Budget: 16 Instruments
Baseline Layout of the NSS Neutron Beam Instruments (January 2016) ODIN DREAM VOR BEER CSPEC BIFROST MIRACLES MAGIC TREX HEIMDAL NMX SKADI ESTIA LOKI FREIA VESPA NSS: Where we stand today Decisions on the first 16 instruments Baseline where to place 15 instruments - minimize mechanical interfaces - maximize number of usable beam ports in the future - 16 th instrument (HR-NSE, VOR) Bunker design advancing fast Funding delays for some in-kind partners (65% in kind) Entering instruments into phase1 (prel. engineering design) HR-NSE 3
Baseline Layout of the NSS Neutron Beam Instruments (January 2016) ODIN DREAM VOR BEER CSPEC BIFROST MIRACLES MAGIC TREX HEIMDAL NMX SKADI ESTIA LOKI FREIA VESPA NSS: Priorities for 2016 Align the instrument budgets with the NSS budget Develop a realistic schedule for all instruments ensuring early science success in line with available in-kind resources and partner capabilities Propose which instruments are to be operational first Proposal to Council in December 2016 on how to fund instruments plus everything else required for early science success within budget of 350 MEUR HR-NSE 4
5 Deliverables Science case covering scientific relevance, impact and usage Conceptual design with credible estimates of performance Preliminary costing. Deliverables Science case covering scientific relevance, impact and usage Conceptual design with credible estimates of performance Preliminary costing. Proposal and Planning Instrument Proposal Phase 0 Preparation for Design Deliverables Conceptual design updates Prototyping Definition of facility requirements and interfaces Clarification of institutional responsibilitie s Resource planning Deliverables Conceptual design updates Prototyping Definition of facility requirements and interfaces Clarification of institutional responsibilitie s Resource planning Deliverables Scientific and technical requirements Technical design concept Delivery plan for all phases (including hot commissioning) Delivery Schedule covering all phases Resource plan Staging plan for later enhancements Budget with contingency at 10% of cost to complete Deliverables Scientific and technical requirements Technical design concept Delivery plan for all phases (including hot commissioning) Delivery Schedule covering all phases Resource plan Staging plan for later enhancements Budget with contingency at 10% of cost to complete Phase 1 Preliminary Design Design and Construction Phase 2 Detailed Design Phase 3 Manufacturing and Procurement Deliverables Complete definition of all major technical components Completion of detailed plan for Phase 3 Refined plan for phase 4 Refined Resource plan Refined delivery schedule, with critical path items and dependencies Refined budget with contingency at 10% of cost to complete Deliverables Complete definition of all major technical components Completion of detailed plan for Phase 3 Refined plan for phase 4 Refined Resource plan Refined delivery schedule, with critical path items and dependencies Refined budget with contingency at 10% of cost to complete Deliverables Procurement and manufacture of all major technical components Completion of detailed plan for phase 4 Site preparation Refined plans for phase 5 and for staging Refined Resource plan Refine instrument delivery schedule Maintain budget with contingency at 10% of cost to complete Deliverables Procurement and manufacture of all major technical components Completion of detailed plan for phase 4 Site preparation Refined plans for phase 5 and for staging Refined Resource plan Refine instrument delivery schedule Maintain budget with contingency at 10% of cost to complete Installation and Commissioning Phase 4 Installation and Integration Phase 5 Hot Commissioning Deliverables Construction of physical infrastructure on site. Assembly and installation of technical components Integration and testing of technical components Installation, integration and testing of Personnel Safety System Submission of application for approval to hot commission Formal project completion Deliverables Construction of physical infrastructure on site. Assembly and installation of technical components Integration and testing of technical components Installation, integration and testing of Personnel Safety System Submission of application for approval to hot commission Formal project completion Deliverables Verification of performance of Personnel Safety System Proof of compliance with radiation dose limits Critical performance demonstration of basic functionality Scientific performance demonstration Friendly user experiments Completion of technical and user manuals Deliverables Verification of performance of Personnel Safety System Proof of compliance with radiation dose limits Critical performance demonstration of basic functionality Scientific performance demonstration Friendly user experiments Completion of technical and user manuals Tollgate 1 STAP review SAC recommendation NSS recommendation Council approval Tollgate 2 (PDR) Preliminary Design Review STAP review NSS scope review assign cost book value Council approval Tollgate 3 (CDR) Critical Design Review STAP review ICB review NSS approval Tollgate 4 (IRR) Installation Readiness Review ICB review NSS approval Tollgate 5 (SAR) Safety systems acceptance review NSS approval Tollgate 6 (ORR) Operations readiness review NSS approval NSS Project; Neutron Instrument project phases
2016JanFebMarAprMayJunJulAugSepOctNovDec LOKI SKADI ESTIA FREIA NMX MAGIC HEIMDAL DREAM BEER ODIN C-SPEC BIFROST MIRACLES T-REX VESPA Annual Review IKON 11 ICBSAC COUNCIL STAP scope-setting meeting Tollgate 2 (Scientific & Technical Advisory Panel) my arrival Schedule for 2016 agreed with Instrument Collaboration Board (ICB) 2014 (Decision: design and construction) 6 10/ / /6 17/ /9 20 COUNCIL
2016JanFebMarAprMayJunJulAugSepOctNovDec LOKI SKADI ESTIA FREIA NMX MAGIC HEIMDAL DREAM BEER ODIN C-SPEC BIFROST MIRACLES T-REX VESPA Annual Review IKON 11 ICBSAC COUNCIL STAP scope-setting meeting Tollgate 2 (Scientific & Technical Advisory Panel) my arrival Schedule for 2016 agreed with Instrument Collaboration Board (ICB) 2014 (Decision: design and construction) 7 10/ / /6 17/ /9 20 Schedule for 2016 agreed with Instrument Collaboration Board (ICB) COUNCIL
MonTueWedThuFriSatSun 2016 October HEIMDAL ODIN C-SPEC BIFROST BEER MIRACLES STAP provisional: Scope-Setting TG2 Review agreed: Operations ReviewT-REX FREIA MAGIC VESPA
Potential order of commencement of operation of first 8 instruments (August 2023) 9 Matching early success in delivery of scientific outputs with the capacity of Lead In-Kind partners to deliver on schedule (ISIS, PSI, FZJ, LLB, HZG/NPI, TUM/PSI, TUM/LLB & DTU lead consortium). Instrument ClassSub-classCandidates Large Scale Structures Small Angle ScatteringLOKI (ISIS) or SKADI (FZJ) ReflectometryESTIA (PSI) or FREIA (ISIS) Diffraction Powder DiffractionDREAM (FZJ) or HEIMDAL (ÅU) Single crystal diffractionMAGIC (LLB) or NMX (ESS) Engineering Strain scanningBEER (HZG/NPI) Imaging and tomographyODIN (TUM/PSI) Spectroscopy Direct GeometryC-SPEC (TUM) or T-REX (FZJ) Indirect GeometryBIFROST (DTU), MIRACLES (Bilbao), VESPA (CNR) Instruments in Bold type to be operational by Aug nd Annual Review Recommendation (0.5) Prioritisation of instruments within budget must ensure that the first tranche of instruments (8) is ready to deliver world-class science at the start of user operations (2023) DRAFT
Neutron Beam Instrument Draft Schedule V1.6, 7 th April 2016 Notes; The order of completion 1- 8 chosen for science and deliverability Shift 9-16 to focus on 1-8 for early science success Hot Commissioning start; E ≥ 200 MeV P ≥ 200 kW January 2021 Preliminary Design Detailed Design Manufacturing & Procurement Installation & Integration Hot Commissioning Operation West sector North sector East and South sectors Current date Early Access D01/D03 Full Access D01/D03 Beam on Target / 1 st spectrum Start User Program Commissioning of test beam – to demonstrate performance and inform instrument projects Start Hot Commission User instruments DRAFT
NSS Project Instruments MOU Status 11 classInstrumentIn-kind Partners (% contribution) Cost Book (M€) Cost Target (M€) % IK Cash (M€) Large scale structures LOKI broadband SANSUK (ISIS)12.290%3.66 SKADI general-purpose SANS (note 1)DE(FZJ 50%) + FR(LLB 50%)12100% ESTIA focusing reflectometerCH(PSI)995%0.45 FREIA liquids reflectometerUK (ISIS)995%0.45 Diffraction NMX macromolecular crystallography ESS (<30%) + HU (Wigner and Centre for Energy Research) + FR (LLB) + NO (Bergen Uni) %3.50 DREAM powder diffractometer (bispectral) DE(FZJ 75%) + FR(LLB 25%)1295%0.60 HEIMDAL hybrid diffractometerDK(AU 30%) +CH(PSI) +NO (IFE)1270% MAGIC magnetism single-crystal diffractometer FR (LLB 65%) + DE (FZJ 20%) + CH (PSI 15%)12100% Engineering BEER engineering diffractometerDE (HZG 50%), CZ (NPI 50%)12100% ODIN multi-purpose imagingESS -> DE(TUM 50%) +CH (PSI 50%)995%0.45 Spectroscopy C-SPEC cold chopper spectrometerDE(TUM 50%) + FR(LLB 50%)15100% BIFROST extreme-environments spectrometer DK(DTU/KU 30%) +CH(PSI) + HU(Wigner) +NO (IFE) + FR(LLB) 1270% T-REX bispectral chopper spectrometerDE (FZJ 75%) + IT (CNR 25%)1595%0.75 VESPA vibrational spectroscopyIT (CNR) + UK (ISIS)12100% MIRACLES backscattering spectrometerES(Bilbao) +FR(LLB) +HU (Wigner) + DK (KU) + ESS1295% 16th Spectrometer (VOR or Spin-Echo, Decide 2018) Wigner Institute (HU) for VOR or Juelich and TUM for Spin-Echo 1295% instrumentscost %18.3 neutron guide bunkerCZ, IT, D, F,… %2.92 total cost (with bunker) %21.2 MOU Signed MOU Can be Signed Partners waiting for funding MOU Current Status (April-2016) 11
NSS Project Instruments MOU Status 12 classInstrumentIn-kind Partners (% contribution) Cost Book (M€) Cost Target (M€) % IK Cash (M€) Large scale structures LOKI broadband SANSUK (ISIS)12.290%3.66 SKADI general-purpose SANS (note 1)DE(FZJ 50%) + FR(LLB 50%)12100% ESTIA focusing reflectometerCH(PSI)995%0.45 FREIA liquids reflectometerUK (ISIS)995%0.45 Diffraction NMX macromolecular crystallography ESS (<30%) + HU (Wigner and Centre for Energy Research) + FR (LLB) + NO (Bergen Uni) %3.50 DREAM powder diffractometer (bispectral) DE(FZJ 75%) + FR(LLB 25%)1295%0.60 HEIMDAL hybrid diffractometerDK(AU 30%) +CH(PSI) +NO (IFE)1270% MAGIC magnetism single-crystal diffractometer FR (LLB 65%) + DE (FZJ 20%) + CH (PSI 15%)12100% Engineering BEER engineering diffractometerDE (HZG 50%), CZ (NPI 50%)12100% ODIN multi-purpose imagingESS -> DE(TUM 50%) +CH (PSI 50%)995%0.45 Spectroscopy C-SPEC cold chopper spectrometerDE(TUM 50%) + FR(LLB 50%)15100% BIFROST extreme-environments spectrometer DK(DTU/KU 30%) +CH(PSI) + HU(Wigner) +NO (IFE) + FR(LLB) 1270% T-REX bispectral chopper spectrometerDE (FZJ 75%) + IT (CNR 25%)1595%0.75 VESPA vibrational spectroscopyIT (CNR) + UK (ISIS)12100% MIRACLES backscattering spectrometerES(Bilbao) +FR(LLB) +HU (Wigner) + ESS1295% 16th Spectrometer (VOR or Spin-Echo, Decide 2018) Wigner Institute (HU) for VOR or Juelich and TUM for Spin-Echo 1295% instrumentscost %18.3 neutron guide bunkerCZ, IT, D, F,… %2.92 total cost (with bunker) %21.2 MOU Signed MOU Can be Signed Partners waiting for funding MOU Current Status (April-2016) NSS instrument In kind budget Unassigned 12 Main unassigned scope 16 th Instrument (6 th Spectrometer) 25% each of VESPA & MIRACLES 6% of NMX
13 Civil construction groundbreaking September 2014
August Progress in 18 months… March 2016
Conclusions Decisions on the first 16 instruments, 22 are to be funded in-kind partners for nearly all instruments December: Decision on - updated overall budget for 16 instruments - sequencing of instruments, first 8 - how to insure early science success Instrument program at ESS is on track for user operation to begin in 2023 with 8 instruments 15
August From
17 to A once in a lifetime chance for all (European) neutron scientists External expert advice is crucial for the success of ESS Thank you for your help!
Backup 19
Quantum Enzymology Protein Dynamics Multi-scale structure and dynamics Kinetics of Complex micro-fluids In Operandi Advanced Energy Devices Complex Interfaces New States of Matter Charge and Spin Transport in Novel Materials ESS Opens New Capabilities to Science 21
Cost baseline – M€ (2013 pricing) (M€) Project Original baseline (2013 prices) Original baseline (incl. indexation) Current baseline (incl. indexation and changes) Conventional Facilities Accelerator Systems Target Systems Integrated Control Systems Technical Management Services Neutron Scattering Systems Project Support & Administration Contingency Total Host Countries’ CF Scope Total including Host CF
Construction and operations budget profiles 23
Current S-curve based on February data 24
In-kind status and plans 25 €675M €544.9M Stretch Goal 747 M€
NSS Budget overview -with current IK estimates for Instruments and bunker 26 In-kind commitment so far = M € In-Kind uncommitted = 36.9 M € We are at 84% of our In-kind target Cash contingency is 5.5 % of cost to complete Cash budget = M € Cash spent (Dec 2015) = 32.3 M € We have spent 26 % of our cash NSS total budget (ring-fenced) = 350 M€ NSS In-Kind Target (65%) = 227,5 M€ NSS Cash Target (35%) = 122,5 M€ SJK, 8 Feb 2016
The In-Kind Delivery Model Roles and Responsibilities for NSS 27 In-Kind Collaborators – deliver most of the suite of instruments, most of bunker, large portion of sample environments, DMSC and competency development ESS-Lund –Coordinate NSS Project, collaborate on instruments AND deliver everything else; neutron sources, safety systems, standards, IK framework packages, buildings, services, labs, support for installation, commissioning, operations & maintenance