University of Piraeus was founded in “School for Industrial Studies” “Higher School for Industrial Studies”. (9) Departments Economics Business Administration Statistics and Insurance Science Financial Management and Banking Industrial Management Maritime Studies Informatics Technology Education and Digital Systems International and European Studies
UPRC was established in 1983 and it is a research, non governmental organization Main Objectives aiming at facilitating and developing collaborative research and links: o within the University of Piraeus, o with Ministries of the Greek Government and o other academic networks and organizations at local, national and international level providing the institutional framework which facilitates and supports the research in many fields (e.g. economics, management and computing )
more than 1000 research programs (e.g. ImmigrationPolicy2.0, SWEB, eMAYOR, E2R-1, E2R-2, MAX, GRID4ALL, EDU-ELEARN, SELIS, SAKE, ALFA ), many education programs, conferences and executive seminars, funded by the European Union, the General Secretariat of Research and Technology as well as Ministries, banks, organizations of the civil sector and companies
Security (Telematics, IST FP5,6,7, NATO, national projects, publications) Privacy (publications, conferences) eGovernment (IST) National activities: consulting in public and private sector in the above areas
The participating group from the Department of Informatics of the University of Piraeus has significant experience in the areas of: o Security, o Protection of critical infrastructures, o Security in the maritime environment, o e-Governments, o Network Technologies, o Collaborative technologies, o Environments and architectures, o Web-based Intelligent Education and Software Engineering. Research in the department in carried in its laboratories: o Information Systems Laboratory o Telecommunication & Security Laboratory o Maritime Informatics Laboratory o Cryptography and Information Security Laboratory o Computer Science Laboratory o Software Engineering Laboratory o Knowledge Engineering Laboratory
Security Research Projects/Initiatives Research Project S-PORT: A secure, collaborative environment for the security management of Port Information Systems European Commission and the General Secretariat for Research and Technology of the Ministry of Development (GSRT) Objective: S-Port views the commercial ports as critical infrastructures and develops a targeted security management methodology for the Information and Communication systems of ports based on existing security management standards. SELIS: Secure Electronic Invoicing Service European CommissionDevelopment and maintenance of a cross-border service for the secure exchange of eInvoices, based on the most advanced standards for the secure provision of interoperable services (Web services, XML, PKI) in line with the general requirements of the EU framework. SWEB: Secure Interoperable cross border m-services contributing towards a tustful European cooperation with the non-EU member Western Balkan countries European Commission Development of a secure, interoperable, open, affordable platform (SWEB platform) upon which innovative, interoperable, secure and scalable m-Government services (e.g. Secure Municipal Document exchange and Electronic/Mobile Invoicing) are build respecting the privacy of the citizens. Immigration Policy 2.0, “Participatory Immigration Policy Making and Harmonization based on Collaborative Web2.0 Technologies” European Commission ImmigrationPolicy2.0 will take advantage of state-of-the-art ICT technologies (notably Web2.0, social networking, the semantics web and policy models and languages) in order to pilot a range of citizen-centric services, which facilitate the participation of citizens in the migration policy development process, while at the same time boosting the harmonization of migration policies and actions across EU countries. BIOTAFTOTITAEuropean Commission and the General Secretariat for Research and Technology of the Ministry of Development (GSRT) BIOTAFTOTITA aims toward the optimization of information systems by collecting information concerning the biometric profile of the user, even ones that are not directly connected to the security level demanded.
Standardization Organizations ENISA Working Group“Security Management of the Ports Information and Communication Technology (PICT) systems” ENISAWorking Group"ENISA Ad Hoc Working Group on Analysing Micro Enterprises' needs and expectations in the area of information security" Cyber Defence Exercises PANOPTIS 2010Hellenic National Defence General Staff 1st, 2nd and 3rd National Cyber Defence Exercises had the purpose of testing the technical and operational cyber defence capabilities of the involved entities (governmental bodies and research community). PANOPTIS 2011 Hellenic National Defence General Staff PANOPTIS 2013Hellenic National Defence General Staff CYBER DEFENCE EXERCISE 2010 (NCDEX 10) NATO The aim of the Exercises were to test the procedures in taking strategic decisions and train, at the same time, the personnel in technical and operational cyber defence issues. Additionally, the Exercise tested the abilities of the responsible Bodies of Member-States and NATO Central Cyber Defence Command to cooperate together. Cyber Coalition 2012 NATO