North Kingstown School Committee March 28, 2011
One of multiple measures we use to measure progress. We also use our own benchmark assessments, NWEA, Aimsweb, AP Tests, SATs, and other standardized programs as needed. Validity issues always present: Different sets of students New configuration of elementary schools Alignment issues with current test, especially an issue in writing
% Proficient% Proficient
% Proficient% Proficient
NK is very high scoring in reading. Reconfiguration has made year to year comparison difficult.
NK is very high scoring in 5 th Grade Math. Reconfiguration has made year to year comparison difficult.
NK is very strong in middle level reading.
NK is very strong in middle level math.
NK scores are strong in high school reading / 9 th in the state.
NK’s score is more moderate in math but higher in comparison to other schools / 8 th in state.
How RIDE mandate to score partially proficient on reading and math or better to receive a diploma effects NK: --Reading 2% (down from 4% in 2009) (state 8%) --Math 19% (down from 26% in 2009) (state 38%) Steps are already in place to provide additional supports to this group of students.
More fluctuation from year to year on this test. NK is 16 th in the state on 2010 test. More variation with change in writing prompt.
86% of NKHS students graduate in 4 years. 93% of Students Graduate in 5 Years.* 77% and 79% are the State Averages
% Proficient% Proficient Grade
% Proficient% Proficient
The number of homeless students in Rhode Island has more than doubled in the last five years, from 460 in 2005 to nearly 1,000 in Here are the 11 districts with the most homeless students. Providence* 203 N. Kingstown* 189 Westerly 87 Middletown* 83 Warwick* 66 W. Warwick 49 Pawtucket* 34 Chariho 31 Woonsocket* 31 Burrillville 28 Central Falls 28 *Received federal grants to educate and bus homeless students Source: R.I. Dept. of Education,