PARTNERS IN SCHOOL TRANSFORMATION™ Pamela Cantor, MD Turnaround for Children ERS School Transformation Summit Working Session 6 Inside and out: reengineering the school-community relationship to serve high- poverty schools and children October 14, 2011
Theory of Change Children in high-poverty communities face enormous adversity, and child services are poorly aligned to help Schools are not designed to educate the high concentration of kids facing adversity and thus become persistently low- performing Schools must be fundamentally redesigned and realigned with child services to support the success of these students School leaders require an objective, expert transformation partner Successfully transformed schools will be positioned to continuously and effectively respond to the needs of students from high-poverty communities Student Mobility Homeless Shelters Immigrant Population Resources for mental health Access to Health Care Unemployment Rate Level of Family Educational Attainment TFC Intervention Social Context School BaselineSchool Outcomes Student Status High concentration of lagging academic skills High concentration of unmet socio-behavioral needs Rationale and SolutionProblemBenefits F. Foundation for a High-Performance Organization B2. Behavioral Support & Intensive Intervention B1. Positive Behavioral Development A2. Academic Support & Intensive Intervention A1. Rigorous Academic Development Rate of Crime, Drugs, Gang Activity School Climate Chaotic classroom environment Unsafe, unstable school environment Negative professional environment School Capacity Variable teacher instructional proficiency Insufficient teacher proficiency to support student social, emotional, behavioral skill development Insufficient capacity to address severe academic needs Insufficient capacity to address severe socio- behavioral needs Insufficient organizational capacity to define, support, sustain high performance Student Status Grade-level academic performance Improved socio-behavioral functioning School Climate Well-managed classroom environment Safe, positive school-wide culture Supportive professional environment School Capacity Teacher proficiency in academic instruction Teacher proficiency to support student social, emotional, behavioral skill development Systems to identify, triage and monitor severe academic and socio-behavioral needs Linkages to community-based mental health providers and pathways to care Organizational capacity to define, support, sustain high performance
School Transformation Model Five Essential Elements
OUTCOME SCHOOL-WIDE INDICATORS HIGH-RISK STUDENT INDICATORS STUDENTS Distribution of academic proficiency on state ELA & Math tests: shift in levels in NY (or comparable levels elsewhere) Average school score: improvement in average state test scores (for High School: replaced by graduation rate and exit test data, e.g. Regents) Percent on track: % of students reading at grade level or above (for High School: measure of credit accumulation) Students at academic risk: Test scores & proficiency levels Reading level (for High School: Regents exam score or equivalent, credit accumulation, graduation rate) Rate of absenteeism Rate of behavioral incidents, including suspensions Measure of students’ social & behavioral skills (in development) Students at behavioral risk: Absenteeism Behavioral incidents and suspensions Standardized measure of functioning (e.g. teacher rating on Vanderbilt) Test scores & proficiency levels SCHOOL Quality of classroom environment in 3 domains: classroom organization & management; emotional support; instructional support (measured by CLASS annually on a sampling basis) Academic support for students Social & emotional support for students Students’ social interactions Safety Note: all measures based on student ratings from NY State Learning Environment Survey (or equivalent elsewhere) Leadership Teachers’ Peer Respect, Support & Trust Instructional Culture Staff Attachment to School: Staff Attendance & Turnover Note: first three measures based on teacher ratings from NY State Learning Environment Survey (or equivalent elsewhere) Student & School Outcome Measures Improved Academic Proficiency Improved Socio-Behavioral Functioning Improved Socio-Behavioral Functioning Improved Classroom Environment for Teaching & Learning Improved School Environment – Safer & More Supportive Improved Professional Environment
Since 2002, Turnaround has worked in more than 60 schools Programs in Place: New York City Washington, DC Explorations in Progress: Baltimore, MD Massachusetts New Jersey ABOUT TURNAROUND Budget: $11.0 million Staff: 54 Intervention Cost: $250,000/school, per year Intervention Length: 3-4 years Turnaround for Children partners with schools, districts and state education departments to build capacity and staff proficiency of schools serving high-poverty communities to optimize school performance and promote academic achievement and success for all students. Each school partnership is led by Turnaround’s team of experienced educators and mental health professionals, comprised of: Project Director, Academic Coach and Social Work Consultant.