GISD: Genesee County’s Regional Educational Service Agency GENESEE INTERMEDIATE SCHOOL DISTRICT LISA A. HAGEL SUPERINTENDENT OCTOBER 20, 2011 Understanding the New State MEAP and MME Cut-Scores
The MEAP is a Snapshot MEAP originally began in the 70’s as a basic skills test for grades 4 and 7 They weren’t designed to rank schools or teachers Schools, like today, used them as (1) of many ways to chart students’ achievement
MEAP and MME Tested Content by Grade Level Tested ContentGrades Math3-8 and 11 Reading3-8 and 11 Writing4, 7 and 11 Science5, 8 and 11 Social Studies6, 9 and 11 As part of the MME in grade 11, students also take the ACT.
History of Cut-Scores Historically, Cut-Scores were set by a collaborative process with a variety of stakeholders including teachers, administrators and business representatives along with testing and measurement experts from the MDE. Cut-Scores are designed to provide a benchmark that shows the students (or %) who are proficient or not proficient in each content area.
How does MI compare to other States on the National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP)? Math, Gr Number of States stat. sign. above, equal to, and below MI Greater than MI - 3 Equal to MI - 19 Lower Than MI - 17
How does MI compare to other States on the National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP)? Math, Gr Number of States stat. sign. above, equal to, and below MI Greater than MI - 31 Equal to MI - 10 Lower Than MI - 8
How does MI compare to other States on College Completion Rates? States With College Completion Rates : ABOVE MI - 35 BELOW MI -14
How does MI compare to other States on College Completion Rates? States With College Completion Rates ABOVE MI (N=35) States With College Completion Rates BELOW MI (N=14)
Michigan Is Not Stacking Up Compared with other States, Michigan is falling behind. In order for our students to be competitive in the national and global economy, they need to be college and career ready.
National annual averages for persons age 25 and over
Why Were the New Cut Scores Established? The new cut scores were established to ensure parents, students, and teachers are well informed about where students stand in terms of achieving success at the next level.
How were the New Cut Scores Established? They were established through a collaborative effort between ACT, College/Universities, and State Testing and Assessment Experts. The State Board of Education officially approved the new cut scores in September 2011
Impact of Cut Scores Changes Parents will have a more realistic picture of their student’s progress towards college and career readiness Students will have clearer understanding of their own readiness for college or continuing education Michigan schools and students will be better prepared for transition to the common core state standards and assessment, scheduled for implementation in
“Holding students to a more rigorous standard is a good thing!” --Favorite Superintendent
GISD: Genesee County’s Regional Educational Service Agency Criteria used: college grades of B or better. MME cut- score: the score where students’ have a greater than 50% chance of earning a B or better in the associated college course. New MEAP/MME Cut Scores Data analyzed for creating new cut scores: - MME Scores (MI Students who took the MME in Spring 2008) and - College Grades (Same cohort of students, who enrolled in a MI college in Fall 2010)
How are the New Cut Scores Different than the Old Ones? The new cut scores represent student achievement relative to being on track to career and college – readiness whereas the previous cut scores represented a more basic level of achievement.
When do They Take Effect? The new cut scores apply to the school year, so they will be applied for the first time to the Fall 2011 MEAP administration.
GISD: Genesee County’s Regional Educational Service Agency READING State-Wide MEAP/MME Comparison of Percent Proficient, 2010/11, using Old & New Cut Scores MATH SOCIAL STUDIES SCIENCE - With Current Cut Scores - With New Cut Scores
The Effect of the New Cut Scores Will be Felt By Everyone The data shows a drastic decline. It does not mean that the students are “less smart” than they were yesterday nor that a school is “less effective” than yesterday What it does mean is that our students are being measured differently today than they were yesterday
Our Job is to Make Sure Students are LEARNING! District Assessment Information(Add assessments from district DRA, QRI, STAR, District Common Assessments, EXPLORE, PLAN, etc…) We (district) constantly monitor learning every day in the classroom
District Communication Plan 1. Communication with Staff 2. Letter to Parents 3. Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) 4. Communication to Larger Community and Business Leaders 5. 5 Things Parents Need to Know
What is the Future of Statewide Testing? More Changes Michigan adopted the Common Core State Standards in June 2010 These standards are shared with 43 states The new end of year assessment will replace the MEAP/MME in the Spring of 2015 This will be an even more dramatic change both in the administration (on-line) and reporting (comparison across states) in the future
The Most Accurate Picture The Classroom Teacher is really STILL the BEST person who knows the progress of each student.