CERN IT Department CH-1211 Genève 23 Switzerland t EIS Section input to GLM For GLM attended by Director for Computing
CERN IT Department CH-1211 Genève 23 Switzerland t Internet Services EIS: Site Readiness GS-EIS had a leading role in the Site Readiness program of the CMS computing, whose goal is to improve the reliability of WLCG sites when running CMS data analysis, simulation and reconstruction. This was achieved by developing monitoring tools and algorithms to quantify how well a site behaves according to several metrics which cover all the relevant computing activities. The success of this work was fully recognized in CMS and lead to a larger than 100% increase since October in the number of "good" Tier-2 sites. Similar work is ongoing for the other LHC experiments. Presentation title - ‹#›
CERN IT Department CH-1211 Genève 23 Switzerland t Internet Services EIS: Data Management Among other things, GS gives support to the LHC experiments on issues related to storage and data management. This includes acting as a bridge between the experiments and the developers of storage systems and data management tools, by collecting all the issues seen by the experiments and suggesting workarounds and fixes. It also includes developing and encouraging the use of common solutions and best practices.
CERN IT Department CH-1211 Genève 23 Switzerland t Internet Services VO-box Operations GS-EIS acts as a link between the experiment and IT operations and in this role is pro-actively trying to improve operations of the computer centre machines providing experiment services. The initial step is to perform an audit of these so-called VO- boxes to identify them and their level of criticality to their experiment. The plan then is, starting with the most critical, to plan how to improve their operations. This may be by duplication, by triggering alarms that result in automatic repair being attempted, by documenting to operators and sysadmins procedures to follow after alarms and providing recovery procedures to experiment supporters who are identified as to be contacted under certain conditions.
CERN IT Department CH-1211 Genève 23 Switzerland t Internet Services HEP EGI SSC Patricia is responsible for the HEP cluster in EGEE NA4 and attended the recent Athens meeting that was considering if and how to create a Specific Support Cluster for High Energy Physics within the forthcoming EGI infrastructure. The outlook is now very positive that this will happen and be centred at CERN. Bids are to be submitted by Autumn for funding starting May 2010 and the section will help prepare the documents.