Experimental Simulation on Oil Gas Spreading in The Complex Confined Space ASSIGNMENT 4 Lecturer name : Miss Alicia Student name : YONG YOON KUANG ME YEO WEI ZHE ME TAN JONG TEE ME Section : 6
What is the type of abstract ? Did the author adhere the criteria of the type of abstract ? The abstract that we choose is informative abstract explains all the main arguments includes the purpose, methods, scope, results and conclusion more than 100 words
Key Process Elements Reason : To minimize the oil product leak go generate oil gas spreading which may lead to serious accident in fire and explosive safety Problem : The cause and damage extent of oil gas explosion hazard in a confined space
Methodology The special phenomenon, spreading law, the characteristic parameter and the main influencing factors of oil gas spreading in the complex confined spaces are studied. The oil gas spreading can be divided into three stages, namely, the gravity settling stage, adherent diffusion stage and passive mass transfer stage. The oil gas concentration of the leakage source has great impact on the spreading process. Experimental simulation of oil gas spreading in the complex confined space is used to simulate oil gas spreading over the physical barrier segment. The experimental simulation system consists main experimental system, auxiliary system and test system. The process of oil gas spreading can be divided to the gravity settling stage
Components of The Abstract i. AIM ii. METHODOLOGY iii. RESULTS iv. APPLICATIONS
Languages Used in The Abstract i. Present Simple Tense - the main factors of oil gas spreading in the complex confined spaces are studied and analyzed from the simulation experiments ii. Precise and clear language iii. Easily recognize iv. Easily understood
What is the length ? Is it written in single paragraph? Yes, the abstract is written in single paragraph The abstract contains 270 words.