Agenda 1.About Me & My Approach 2.About knowplace Family of Sites 3.About Moodle 4.Skill Check of (my Priority) Moodle items: Layout, Blocks, Resources, Activities, Review of Editor 1.Digging into Moodle Overview Prepare Gradebook Assignments Quizzes Questions Quiz Bank Gradebook 2.Continuing Your Learning
Getting Ready to Work!
Prepare to work as teacher and as student You already have teacher roles….
* Create a Student ID in the site First Name: Frances Last Name: As Student * If you don’t have a different address create one eg: Gmail, hotmail, yahoo Create student ID address: Different than your teacher address * Confirm your new student ID
Set due date & maximum grade Late assignments & resubmission permitted Students can upload different types of files Provide grades and comments for each assignment Enter teacher feedback Notification sent by to student and teacher Some Features/Settings
Advanced Uploading of Files Online Text, Upload a single file, Offline Text 4 Different Types of Assignments
Teacher view
Student View
Teaching and Learning With Assignments
1. Create different assignments (teacher role) 2. Complete these assignments (Student role) 3. Teach us how you made these assignments and what you would use them for? Teaching and Learning with Assignments 3 Parts
* Stay in your same groups * Each group creates one type of assignment in sandbox: Group 1 = Advanced Uploading of Files Group 2 = Online Text, Group 3 = Upload a single file, Group 4 = Offline Text (Be prepared to teach others about the assignment you create ) 1. Create different assignments for us to use
* Create a Student ID in the course area First Name: Frances Last Name: As Student * If you don’t have a different address create one eg: Gmail, hotmail, yahoo 2. Complete these assignments as individual students address: Different than your teacher address * Confirm your new student ID * Move your student into your group sandbox
Each group stands up and presents about their assignment and what you’ve learned and explain: * Ideas about how to use it with your students? * How you made this assignment? 3. Teach us how you made these assignments !
Need Help? Try these icons first Search:,,, Ask: someone in your group, ask a different group, frances, Andrew, Chris (Located beside most options) (Located at the bottom of each page)
Let’s see what you have created!
How Are Offline Assignments Used?
Create links to various activities eg: wiki, forum and then assign grades to students for activities they complete using the Wiki module, or Database module, Moodle Blog, etc. Attendance at Virtual Sessions - give students 1 mark for attending each session. That way you have a record of who came to what session, just like in a face to face classroom. I used to use a Wiki for an Advanced Placement Computer Science course, so the students could display their programs and learn from each others programming code. I would use the Offline assignment type to award a grade to the students' posted program, code and description.
How Are Online Assignments Used?
Setup as a private ongoing discussion between each of the participants and the instructor. Disable the start and end dates for the activity, make it not count for any grades, allow students to resubmit their work, and allow for inline comments. When you setup an Online text assignment this way, it essentially becomes a journal that only the instructor can view. The students can continue to edit and update their entries, and the instructor is able to post comments and observations inline. I have often used the Online text assignment this way. In fact, in previous versions of Moodle, it was known as the Journal assignment type. David LeBlanc, Knowplace
Review Impact of Assignments in Gradebook
Let’s see how what you have created, looks in the gradebook! Simple view, Full view
Moving Along Watch a Presentation = 20% Practice = 75% Teach Others = 90%