Info-Tech Research Group1 Headline / Subhead Vertical Spacing Info-Tech Research Group, Inc. Is a global leader in providing IT research and advice. Info-Tech’s products and services combine actionable insight and relevant advice with ready-to-use tools and templates that cover the full spectrum of IT concerns. © Info-Tech Research Group Inc. Implement an and Content Archive Solution Match the value of the content with the storage tier. Info-Tech's products and services combine actionable insight and relevant advice with ready-to-use tools and templates that cover the full spectrum of IT concerns.© Info-Tech Research Group
Info-Tech Research Group2 All organizations must meet compliance needs and reduce the impact of content growth on primary storage. Introduction IT professionals involved in evaluating, selecting, and deploying archiving. IT professionals responsible for platform efficiency and supporting end-user restoration requests. Compliance managers responsible for eDiscovery of s and placing legal holds on . This Research Is Designed For:This Research Will Help You: Determine if you need a third-party archiving product or if Exchange Online Archive is sufficient. Build an archive program guide. Evaluate archiving vendors and products for your enterprise needs. Determine which products are most appropriate for particular use cases and scenarios and implement the selected platform.
Info-Tech Research Group3 Executive Summary Archiving for the sake of storage is no longer a prime concern with the advent of cloud and cheap disk. Information organization is now the key archiving consideration. -only archiving products are an expensive luxury item – don't do it. Consolidate all of your content into a single archive and get the appropriate product. Archiving provides three primary compliance and findability benefits: ◦ Storage growth control. ◦ Compliance management. ◦ Information migration from legacy systems to new systems. Exchange Online archiving is more product than most organizations need. It is the most cost effective archiving solution available to organizations that use Exchange. It is included with Exchange online licenses and can be used with Exchange 2010 on-premise. Google Apps users have limited choices beyond Google Vault. 1.The price point for archiving has changed: Exchange Online Archiving/Exchange 2013 brings good-enough archiving for most organizations at a low price point. 2.You get what you pay for with archiving products: Focus on what you need. archiving and journaling is now a table stake. Focus on the file and social content that can be archived to justify the price. 3.Get this into Compliance’s hands: IT should not be performing archiving for the purposes of compliance. If legal and regulatory oversight are prime concerns, focus on usability and eDiscovery tools. Info-Tech Insight
Info-Tech Research Group4 Follow Info-Tech’s content archiving roadmap Storage Mgmt. Information Gov. Find Information in the Enterprise Deploy Effective Information Governance with a Document Source Audit Productivity Build an Annual Storage Strategy in Two Days eDiscovery: Ease Compliance through Repeatable Process Implement an and Content Archive Solution Develop a Backup Software Strategy Reintroduce the Information Lifecycle to the Content Management Strategy Move to the Cloud Catch the Microsoft Office 2013 Productivity Wave
Info-Tech Research Group5 Vendor Landscape: Content and Archiving WCO: Risk Management 1. Risk Scenarios 2. Determine Risk Severity 3. Build the Risk Profile 4. Take Action Towards Risk 5. Report and Communicate Risk Consider content and archiving as part of an overall series of projects Deploy an Effective Information Governance Strategy 1. Build a Project Team. 2. Identify Information Sources. 3. Assess Information Sources. 4. Define a Retention Schedule. 5. Create a Communication Plan. eDiscovery: Compliance through Repeatable Process 1. Define the technology to support eDiscovery 2. Understand Requests 3 Implement a standardized process 4. Custom fit the EDRM process 5. Communicate to stakeholders Information Governance initiatives often identify archiving as a key project to reduce compliance pain. This set is specifically designed to define how to implement an archive solution. Two Days to an Annual Storage Strategy 1.Make the case for a strategic storage strategy 2. Audit your present storage state 3. Build a new strategy 4. Perform a gap analysis 5. Document your strategy 1. Gather the requirements 2. Define the technology needed 3. Assess your current platform 4. Evaluate the vendor options 5. Implement a new solution Implement an and Content Archive Solution
Info-Tech Research Group6 Guided Implementation points in the Archiving project Book a Guided Implementation Today: Info-Tech is just a phone call away and can assist you with your project. Our expert Analysts can guide you to successful project completion. Here are the suggested Guided Implementation points in the Archiving project: Section 1: Build a defensible case for an and content archive strategy Gather the requirements and numbers that you need to build a defendable case for implementing archiving. Section 2: Decide on what technology you need Archiving is a process. Most organizations have such little need for archiving that archive products are not cost effective. Walk through best practices for defining and building a legally defensible archive process. Section 3: Fill in the business case template The use case needs to be important to the business. IT can justify the case on storage gains, as the business won’t buy it without clear costs or value gains. Section 4: Define your number one use case for archiving Choosing the most important use case is critical to appropriately shortlisting vendors. To enroll, send an to or call and ask for the Guided Implementation This symbol signifies when you’ve reached a Guided Implementation point in your project.
Info-Tech Research Group7 IT Competency Do you have: A relationship with your legal team? A completed information sources risk assessment? Develop archive readiness Are you ready for this blueprint? This project requires a combination of storage management and information governance to be successful. Information Governance IT Competency Technology Readiness Information Competency Do you have: A retention and archive plan? An information governance committee? A program manual for information governance? Technological Readiness Do you have: An solution? An upgrade timeline for your system? A roadmap for your storage horizon?
Info-Tech Research Group8 Archiving is not governance archiving has clean measurable gains, but content archiving requires better planning and clear alignment with business goals. Information Governance Enterprise-wide policies Information Organization Application or department specific Use, access, and storage Storage management Enterprise-wide storage control through deletion Archiving Disposition, growth control Specific risk mitigation, findability Archiving can be the driver for better governance, but it cannot replace governance. The key to controlling growth is translating governance policies into management practices. Archiving requires rules and policies for both enterprise-wide rules and managing exceptions to the rule. Is it valuable enough to keep?
Info-Tech Research Group9 IT needs to be forward thinking about how the regulatory landscape is expanding. Prepare an archive strategy that will be viable for the long term Enterprises with complex regulatory environments or negotiations over intellectual properties should have a robust plan for deletion and retention of enterprise controlled information – including communication and fileshares. Archive and retention policies that include verification through audit schedules are the key to protecting the enterprise from litigation. Clear policies on records retention and highly structured classifications allow for a tighter (and more accurate) collection process. For most organizations, social media and instant messages, just like , are a mixed bag of useful information and garbage. A long-term archive strategy and process will remove the garbage and enhance the usefulness of information. eDiscovery extends to ALL electronic media. This is legal’s domain, but IT needs to know the reality. 1.Discovery extends to all content that an enterprise generates. 2.Poor stewardship does not reduce your burden to search all potential sources. 3.Any means by which you interact with the public will be your responsibility to ensure it meets SEC, FINRA, PCI, etc. standards. 4.All documents and associated metadata are open to the discovery process. 5.Any content that may be relevant to the litigation including employee personal drives (e.g. Dropbox, Evernote) and social media can be subpoenaed. The archive strategy must account for current and future use of social media as a form of enterprise communication. Sources: Ben Blay, Cohen Highly; ECM Talk podcast;; RAND report on eDiscovery costs. “You have to bear the risk of what is posted within the context of that feed. In other words, you can’t just create the page and then step back and not monitor it.” - Ben Blay, Esq. Cohen Highley
Info-Tech Research Group10 Focus on the growth of fileshares; that is where the next headache is going to appear Documents will remain your largest problem Documents account for 83% of all content created by employees. Where these documents are stored is the greatest concern. Cloud-based storage tools are decreasing corporate visibility into what information is outside of the corporate walls. Where is the most growth? Social and IM are growing exponentially: o These forms of communication are rarely part of a regulator’s audits – at the moment. o Expect this to change as more enterprises adopt these technologies for internal communication. The ease and low cost of personal information sources motivate users to acquire their own solutions to create and manage their information (Box, Dropbox, Evernote). These increase enterprise risk and decrease the effectiveness of knowledge sharing initiatives.BoxDropboxEvernote Source: Info-Tech Research Group analysis of available statistics from Facebook, Twitter, Radicati group, Internet Statistics Group, and EMC is no longer the fastest-growing content type. The sprawl of fileshares is currently the biggest storage and governance concern. 20% of all corporate content is now stored on employee- owned cloud storage. Social use by employees is a concern, but still remains a low regulatory priority. Amount of content per FTE (GBs) Corporate-owned storage User-owned documents Social as a percent of total content is decreasing by 40% per year Match your strategy to your risk profile. Low risk: focus on storage wins. High risk: focus on the content that has the highest risk.
Info-Tech Research Group11 As part of your information governance strategy, you need to evaluate how IM, mobile, and social are used for corporate communication. Expand beyond to meet your current compliance demands The advent of IM and activity streams has changed the manner in which information is defined and communicated within the organization. The majority of rules and regulations do not point specifically to . Regulators are looking for the communication threads. If your organization uses IM or has corporate mobile devices, you need a governance strategy for what communications need to be recorded and which can be deleted. When it comes to IM, if IT owns the server or pays for the service, then IT needs a governance package for the information that has been transferred through that system. Communication as a record: it depends on the context. In general, regarding contracts, invoices, and personnel records should be retained in systems with records management functionality. According to United States’ Federal Rules of Civil Procedure (FRCP), the obligation to preserve communications as a record begins as soon as there is a reasonable expectation of litigation. Specific regulations have audit requirements. For example, Sarbanes-Oxley has an audit-ability of internal communications requirement. For most organizations, this will still be about , but part of good governance is reviewing and determining the risks that are on the horizon. “ In the past, there have been litigations wherein IT gets involved at the last minute, when there is legal hold or eDiscovery request, and when that happens it is very disruptive. We have to drop what we are doing, and it holds us up from other projects.” - Imran Shaikh IT Director
Info-Tech Research Group12 Info-Tech Research Group Helps IT Professionals To: Sign up for free trial membership to get practical solutions for your IT challenges Quickly get up to speed with new technologies Make the right technology purchasing decisions – fast Deliver critical IT projects, on time and within budget Manage business expectations Justify IT spending and prove the value of IT Train IT staff and effectively manage an IT department “Info-Tech helps me to be proactive instead of reactive – a cardinal rule in a stable and leading edge IT environment. - ARCS Commercial Mortgage Co., LP Toll Free: