Intro Author: Martin Beckerman Senior Scientist at the Department of Energy/National Nuclear Security Administration’s Y-12 National Security Complex in Oak Ridge, TN –Other books 2005: Molecular and Cellular Signaling (Biological and Medical Physics, Biomedical Engineering) 2009: Cellular Signaling in Health and Disease (Biological and Medical Physics, Biomedical Engineering) Publication: 1997 Cited (Google Scholar): 28
Ch 1. Introduction 1.1~1.3 Adaptive Cooperative Systems by Martin Beckermann Summarized by Kim, Kwonill
Contents Prologue –Example systems –Essential properties Plan of the Book Epigenesis of the Central Nervous System Synaptic Plasticity Neural Assamblies
Example Systems (1/3) Allosteric Proteins –Active – inactive switching –Hemoglobin Cooperativity of subunits
Example Systems (2/3) Mutual Synchronization in Oscillator Populations (Entrainment) –Synchronized rhythmic firing of neurons –Pacemaker neurons in the heart –Oscillation and waves in the intestine –Circadian rhythms –Coherent chirping of crickets –Synchronized flashing of firefies
Example Systems (3/3) Order-Disorder Transitions in Atomic Lattices –Phase transition –Ferromagnet Ising model –Superconductivity –Laser –Protein folding
Essential Features Markovianess –Markov chain & process –Markov random fields Multiplicity of states Nonlinear Dynamics –Multiple stable behaviors
Plan of the Book Equilibrium Dynamics –Ch 2. Thermodynamics, Statistical Mechanics, and the Metropolis Algorithm –Ch 3. Cooperativity in Lattice Systems –Ch 4. Simulated Annealing Neural & Image-Processing Domains –Ch 5. The Patterning of Neural Connections –Ch 6. Markov Random Fields Nonlinear Dynamics Far from Equilibrium –Ch 7. The Approach to Equilibrium –Ch 8. Synaptic Plasticity Rhythms & Synchrony –Ch 9. Rhythms and Synchrony
Epigenesis of the Central Nervous System Epigenesis –Self-organization Explicit guide + Cooperative programming –Extremely high efficiency 10 5 gene sequences neurons & synapses Difference of gene sequence with human –98.5% : chimpanzee –80%: mouse –75%: cow –50%: frog –40%: fish
Development of Retina Retinal ganglion cell cones & horizontal cells amacrine cells, rods, bipolar cells, Muller glial cell
Guidance of Neurites Cues –Mechanical –Chemical –Electrical
Summary Examples of cooperative systems Essential properties –Markovianess –Multiplicity of states –Nonlinear Dynamics Plan of the Book Epigenesis of the Central Nervous System