DIVISION DE L’INFORMATION SCIENTIFIQUE Topics How are the universities impacted by the open access movement ? What conclusions today for UNIGE ? What are the actions of the library ? What should be done yet ? 23/06/ Jean-Blaise Claivaz Open UNIGE 2
DIVISION DE L’INFORMATION SCIENTIFIQUE University of Geneva – 9 faculties and 13 institutes – 16’000+ students and 2’600+ EPT academics Jean-Blaise Claivaz – Electronic resources manager (2000) – Repository data manager (2008) – Open Access et Publications (2013) About 23/06/ Jean-Blaise Claivaz Open UNIGE 3
DIVISION DE L’INFORMATION SCIENTIFIQUE Multiple incentives for OA University Networks (CUS, LERU…) Funding agencies PublishersLibraries 23/06/ Jean-Blaise Claivaz Open UNIGE 4
DIVISION DE L’INFORMATION SCIENTIFIQUE UNIGE : Green Road Institutional Repository Deposit mandate Help to look for the copyright status of the publications Willingness to comply to the mandate 23/06/ Jean-Blaise Claivaz Open UNIGE 5
DIVISION DE L’INFORMATION SCIENTIFIQUE UNIGE : Gold Road 23/06/ Jean-Blaise Claivaz Open UNIGE 6 Subscriptions and institutional membership to OA publishers Separate budget for APCs Special initiatives (SCOAP 3 …)
DIVISION DE L’INFORMATION SCIENTIFIQUE UNIGE : Open Data 23/06/ Jean-Blaise Claivaz Open UNIGE 7 Storage Policy Retrieve and reuse Academic awarness
DIVISION DE L’INFORMATION SCIENTIFIQUE UNIGE : Open Knowledge 23/06/ Jean-Blaise Claivaz Open UNIGE 8 Access to content E-learning (RAFT, …) MOOCs
DIVISION DE L’INFORMATION SCIENTIFIQUE Strategy of the Library OA clearly identified as a topic in the Strategic Plan for New position for OA at the Library Collaboration with other institutions facing the same challenges (CUS P-2…) 23/06/ Jean-Blaise Claivaz Open UNIGE 9
DIVISION DE L’INFORMATION SCIENTIFIQUE Actions of the Library Development of the Institutional Repository – Usage survey in 2013 (400+ answers) – Action plan Collaboration with the Research office OA clauses into e-journals licenses 23/06/ Jean-Blaise Claivaz Open UNIGE 10
DIVISION DE L’INFORMATION SCIENTIFIQUE Next steps Funds to pay centrally the APCs ? Open Access Publishing ? OA policy Copyright clearing center Long term preservation and data curation Usage statistics and alternate metrics Data analysis and data mining 23/06/ Jean-Blaise Claivaz Open UNIGE 11
DIVISION DE L’INFORMATION SCIENTIFIQUE Results Only the Repository works for a long time Too early to measure the effects of the other actions 23/06/ Jean-Blaise Claivaz Open UNIGE 12
DIVISION DE L’INFORMATION SCIENTIFIQUE Thank you! Bibliothèque de l’UNIGE, 2014 Cette présentation est sous licence Creative Commons Attribution - Partage dans les mêmes conditions 4.0 International : Open UNIGE 23/06/ Jean-Blaise Claivaz