1 C1-UD 6-2 INSTALLING LINUX Academic Year DAI. Credit 1 (Single and Multiuser Operating Systems) Ferran Chic PELE-08/09 (Pla Experimental Llengües Estrangeres).Potenciació de la llengua Anglesa a la FP) © Ferran Chic. DAI-1er- C1 (SO)
2 What to do in a full installation process ? Planning Installing Post installation tasks
4 1- PLANNING : Take into account which information goes in every directory
5 1- PLANNING Do you know which file systems can be mounted ?
6 Native File System Types ext2 ext3 reiser Previous file system types Minix SCO File system types from other vendors Sun-os Solaris Mac-OS Micro$oft compatibility (as much as possible) NTFS FAT SWAP AREA (not file system) to provide disk cache. 1- PLANNING Deciding file system types …
7 We have Primary partitions Extended partitions Partitioning rules Up to 4 primary partitions or … 3 primary partitions and 1 extended. Important premise : Not to loose disk space. To reach this goal: A) the extended partition must be contiguous to the last primary partition. B) The extended partition must use the rest of the available disk space. Inside the extended partition you can create as much logical units as you need. 1-PLANNING: Partitioning
8 IDE DEVICES : /dev/hda /dev/hdb /dev/hdc/dev/hdd IDE PARTITIONS WITHIN THE DEVICE /dev/hda1 /dev/hdb1 /dev/hdc1 /dev/hdd1 /dev/hda /dev/hda /dev/hda /dev/hda SATA DEVICES : /dev/sda /dev/sdb … SATA PARTITIONS : /dev/sda1 /dev/sda2 /dev/sda3 /dev/sda4 /dev/sda5 Do you know which ones are primary and which ones are logical ? 1- PLANNING : What about devices ?
9 Swap area selection Even if the system has a large ammount of RAM, 1 swap area is required at least. If our linux computer has a few RAM, we need more SWAP Nowadays, you can use 500MB of swap located in a single partition for allocating swap. What is it about ? 1- PLANNING : What about swap area ?
10 / Must’nt be full. If this filesystem is full, the system crashes. /usr It’s common to have a large ammount of disk space in /usr to alocate end user application programs. /var Dedicated to log, accounting and spool files. It can suddenly increase or decrease in size. Therefore you must reserve 1GB at least for this filesyste /boot Dedicated to alocate executable compressed kernels. You’ll be able to boot up from some of this kernels /home size depends on the ammount of users and the quota assigned for every one. 1- PLANNING : File system size selection
11 THE MOST IMPORTANT … CHECK INSTALLER ASSISTANT INTERFACE IT PROVIDES % OF DISK USAGE IN ADVANCE. That means that you’ll be able to check if your decisions on file system size have been taken properly or not. If % of file system usage is more than 60%, go back on the installation process to resize the affected partition/s. If % is more than 60% it’s likely that your system will run out of disk space in an early future. 1- PLANNING : File system size selection
12 Boot manager selection LILO GRUB Boot manager location MBR MACHINE NAME : DAIx where x= account number Root password selection : DAIxDAIx Mind to remember! Network configuration DNS, IP, MASK, GATEWAY Create 1 extra user to log in as a non root user for non administrative tasks Default runlevel (tipically 5) 1- INSTALLING : PLANNING
13 2- INSTALLING Check installation progress and messages carefully
14 3- POST INSTALL Reboot the system Update repository (with yast) Create boot floppy disks Log in as a root normally Check disk space with this commands du df Check mounted file systems with this command mount /var/log/messages dmesg command