Covenant of Mayors for Climate and Energy.


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Presentation transcript:

Covenant of Mayors for Climate and Energy

The Covenant of Mayors for Climate & Energy …brings together local and regional authorities voluntarily committed to implementing EU climate and energy objectives on their territory.

The Covenant of Mayors for Climate & Energy A unique bottom-up movement shaped by cities, for cities A shared vision of decarbonised and resilient cities where citizens have access to secure, sustainable and affordable energy A growing and inclusive community now counting over 6,500 signatories representing over 210 million citizens What the new initiative is (vision, ambition, scope of action)? The new initiative was launched on 15 October at the 2015 Joint Covenant of Mayors and Mayors Adapt Ceremony. This initiative defines renewed commitment(s) and a shared (post-2020) vision in order to tackle interconnected challenges: climate change mitigation, adaptation and sustainable energy. The initiative also proposes a new “global chapter” by inviting signatories to share their vision, results, experience and know-how with fellow local and regional authorities within the EU and beyond.

Evolution of the initiative -40% CO2 by 2030 Adapt -20% CO2 by 2020 Setting new commitments Launch of the Covenant of Mayors Adapt Priority action in the EU Action Plan for Energy Efficiency Launch of Mayors Adapt 2006 2008 2014 2015

2015: New commitments Signatories now pledge to: Reduce CO2 (and possibly other GHG) emissions by at least 40% by 2030 Increase our resilience by adapting to the impacts of climate change Translate their political commitment into local results by developing local action plans and reporting on their implementation

The Covenant step by step

An integrated approach Climate Mitigation Climate Adaptation Energy Demand Energy Supply Environment & Biodiversity Infrastructures Economy Public Services (Energy & Water Supply, Waste Management, Public Transport, Health Care, Civil Protection & Emergency Services) Land Use Planning Agriculture & Forestry

A reference framework for action Consistency and transparency thanks to a common reporting framework for all, flexible and adjustable to local realities High visibility via personalised signatory profiles on the Covenant website Evaluation of the data reported by the Commission's independent scientific centre (signatories are suspended in case of non-compliance)

The Covenant Community Signatories Villages, towns, cities, counties Local Regional National European / global Coordinators Regions, Provinces, Energy Agencies Covenant of Mayors Clubs Academia Associated Partners European federations of companies, NGOs, international networks Supporters Non-profit organisations, associations, agencies

Multi-stakeholder involvement

The Covenant of Mayors in key figures 6,500+ signatory cities, 280+ regions, provinces & grassroots associations, ca. 30 Associated Partners ca. 60 Local & Regional Energy Agencies ... average CO2-emission reduction of about 28% by 2020 5,100+ Action Plans developed

Achievements of signatory cities As of 2015: -23% greenhouse gas emissions -14% energy consumption x4 share of renewable energy sources in final energy consumption (14%) An analysis of 122 monitoring reports carried out by the European Commission’s Joint Research Centre shows that signatory cities are well on track to achieve their Covenant commitments: x3 local renewable energy production

The Covenant of Mayors around the world Eastern-Europe & South Caucasus South Mediterranean North America China Japan India Sub-Saharan Africa South America Existing offices Potential new offices

Supporting signatories (1/5) Specific methodological materials: Action Plan template & instructions Guidance materials Thematic leaflets

Supporting signatories (2/5) Funding instruments

Supporting signatories (3/5) Covenant Capacity-Sharing Corner: Discussion Forums – Exchange With Your Peers Resource Library – Search, Add and Rate Resources > ‘My Covenant’

Supporting signatories (4/5) Capacity-building events: Webinars Workshops Finance working groups

Supporting signatories (5/5) Helpdesk General helpdesk Country-specific helpdesks: Italy, Spain, Germany & Austria

The Covenant of Mayors on the ground: Examples of local actions Stakeholder engagement for energy efficient schools in Osona, Spain Key figures: Project duration: 2 years (2012-2014) 27 schools involved 26% savings in electricity consumption 19% savings in heating €280 000 savings in energy costs Mitigation The Desendolla’t project encourages efficient energy management in schools through ICT technology and education and aims at: Decreasing/eliminating passive electric consumption during the days off. Optimizing active electrical consumption during working days. Optimizing the management of central heating systems. The Desendolla’t project encourages efficient energy management in schools through ICT technology and education.It brings together five target groups: students, teachers, caretakers, cleaning teams, and town council staff. The Desendolla’t project won the 2015 Sustainable Energy Award of the EU Sustainable Energy Week. More info in the Covenant case study:

The Covenant of Mayors on the ground: Examples of local actions Managing heavy rains and stormwater in Copenhagen, Denmark Cloudburst Management Plan aims to reduce the impacts of pluvial flooding due to heavy rains Expanding the sewer network and around 300 surface projects focussing on water retention and drainage +13,000 full-time equivalents with ca. €214 mio in tax revenues expected Adaptation To combat the impacts of cloudbursts, the City of Copenhagen developed a Cloudburst Management Plan in 2012, which is an offshoot of the Copenhagen Climate Adaptation Plan. The Plan outlines the priorities and measures recommended for climate adaptation including extreme rainfall. More info:

Thank you! More info: © photo Nathalie Nizette Thank you! More info: With the support of the European Union