Contact Info: Lifespan Resilience Research Group (LRRG) Level One Group (SPSS- CHS) Interested in looking at the psychological construct of resilience across the lifespan –Understanding –Definition –Measurement
Contact Info: Lifespan Resilience Research Group (LRRG) Level One Group (SPSS- CHS) –A/P Julie Ann Pooley –Dr Myra Taylor (Post. Doctoral Fellow) –Dr Bronwyn Harman –Dr Craig Harms
Contact Info: Lifespan Resilience Research Group (LRRG) Links –Secau (ECU) –Local Government –FESA –WAPOL –USA (Bruns) –Canada (IRP)
Contact Info: Lifespan Resilience Research Group (LRRG) Level One Group (SPSS- CHS) We are interested in –Contexts –Children –Adolescents –Adults
Contact Info: Lifespan Resilience Research Group (LRRG) Childhood Previous project Intervention/Prevention Program - Talk Program Publications Pike, L.T Cohen, L., & Pooley, J.A. (2008). Australian Approaches to Understanding and Building Resilience in At Risk Populations. In Resilience in Children and Youth, Linda Liebenberg and Michael Unger (Eds), Toronto Press. Collins, R., Pooley, J.A. & Taylor, M.F. (In preparation). ‘Keeping it together, keeping their heads above water’: Western Australian child health nurses’ understanding of resilience among mothers during the perinatal period. Maternal & Child Health.
Contact Info: Lifespan Resilience Research Group (LRRG) Adolescents Current Project Seeking health information on the Internet: The experiences of Western Australian adolescents; Where they search and what devices they use. Publications Taylor, M.F. (In Press). As long as you’re resilient you’ll succeed: School disaffected adolescents’ perspectives on their willingness to engage in high injury- risk graffiti-writing activities. International Journal of School Disaffection. Maassen, K., J.A. Pooley & Taylor, M. (Under review) ‘You get forced to live with randoms... and that makes you stronger as a person’. Homeless Western Australian teenagers’ perspectives on their experiences of residing in crisis. Australian Community Psychologist. Walker, A., Catalbiano, N., Taylor, M.F. & Pooley, J.A. (Under review). ‘I am a skateboarder’ – A personal identity, a non-conforming image and new subculture friendships. Journal of Sport and Social Issues.
Contact Info: Lifespan Resilience Research Group (LRRG) Adults Current Project How do resilience, wellbeing, trauma and growth relate to each other? Publications O’Brien, K., Cohen, L., Pooley, J. A & Taylor, M. (In Press). Lifting the domestic violence cloak of silence: Resilient Australian women’s reflected memories of their childhood experiences of witnessing domestic violence. Journal of Family Violence. Judd, M. & Pooley, J.A. (In Press). The Psychological Benefits of Participating in Group Singing. Psychology of Music. Beneditti, R., Cohen, L., & Taylor, M.F. (In Press). You don’t get anything back at all: Italian Australian migrants experiences of caring for a family member with dementia. Journal of Women and Aging.
Contact Info: Lifespan Resilience Research Group (LRRG) Contexts Current Project Motherhood - In all its forms Publication Pooley, J.A., Cohen, L., O’Connor, M. & Taylor, M (2012). Posttraumatic Stress and Posttraumatic Growth and their relationship to coping and self-efficacy in Northwest Australian Cyclone Communities. Psychological Trauma: Theory, Research, Practice and Policy. DOI: /a
Contact Info: Lifespan Resilience Research Group (LRRG) Definition and Measurement Current Project Harms, C., Pooley, J.A., & Cohen,.L. Development of Lifespan Individual Resilience Scale (LIRS) Publications Cohen, L & Pooley, J.A., Ferguson, C., Harms, C. (2011) Psychologists’ understanding of resilience: implications for the discipline of psychology and psychology practice. Australian Community Psychologist, 23(2), Pooley, J.A. & Cohen, L. (2010). Resilience: A Definition in Context. Australian Community Psychologist, 22(1),
Contact Info: Lifespan Resilience Research Group (LRRG) Current Grant Submissions –Department of Veteran Affairs Health Resilience of veterans –Proceeds of Crime Antisocial Behaviour of Youth
Contact Info: Lifespan Resilience Research Group (LRRG) Spme Future Research Interests –Major Health Impacts Trauma and Health –Violence Antisocial Behaviour DV
Contact Info: Lifespan Resilience Research Group (LRRG) Vision –Raise to centre status –Develop cross discipline links both internal and external to ECU –Develop more international collaborative links –Hold a resilience conference