Chief Learning Officers’ Council February 12, 2013 Coming together is a beginning, staying together is progress, and working together is success. Henry Ford
2012 Strategic Outcomes (Diagnostic Survey Results) High Value Outcomes Delivery Establish a government-wide strategy for learning CLO Council is recognized as an inclusive governing body with full participation High-Value Relationship Building Collaborate and influence stakeholders (e.g., intra-agency and inter-agency; interagency councils) Idea Transfer Research and establish best practices in learning that are approved by the CLO Council
Accomplishments in 2012 High Value Outcomes Delivery MOA with CHCO Council and OPM HRU Collaboration GAO’s Federal Training Investment Report Strategic planning and quality standards workgroups High-Value Relationship Building Invited to CHCO Council Meetings PMC/PMAB collaborations on leadership development Strategic Human Capital Management – High Risk Initiative GAO Briefing on Acquisition Workforce and the Grants Workforce Surveys National Security Professional Development collaboration Government-wide Mentoring Initiative National Council on Federal Labor-Management Relations – Working Group on Career Development NICE/CIO Council IT Workforce Assessment For Cybersecurity (ITWAC Idea Transfer Supervisory training curriculum collaboration Managerial Training Program – Interagency Training workgroup charter established Government-wide Mentoring Initiative University/College Partnerships Inventory GAO’s Federal Training Investment Report
Idea Transfer and Relationship Building Exercise Up to three things my agency and I have to share within CLOC and its Members One item per green post-it, and include your name and agency Up to three things my agency and I need/want from CLOC and its Members One item per pink post-it, and include your name and agency Give (Green) Get (Pink)
CLO Council Charter Review Items raised: II. Scope:… remove the word “all” before Federal agencies IV. Federal Membership: Due to OPM’s reorganization, the Chief of Employee Development Policy, or equivalent position has been expanded. C. Voting…recommend simple majority vote instead of 2/3 majority regarding decisions.
Charter Revisions Reformat sections Ex-Officio Members: The most senior workforce development policy position(s) will be afforded ex-officio status. Equivalent position(s) at the U.S. Office of Personnel Management (OPM) will also be afforded ex-officio status, since this office prepares government-wide learning and workforce development policy. Ex-Officio members may contribute their particular skills and expertise to projects and workgroups, but will not vote.
Voting: Each Principal Member of the Council is entitled to one vote per major organizational unit (as defined in Section IV. Federal Membership. A.1. Members) on any matter brought to a vote by the Chairperson, or in the absence of the Chairperson, the Co-Chairperson. Members may designate an alternate to vote in their absence. If the Council conducts voting through , a five-day voting period will be imposed to collect and count all votes on a given issue. Decisions of the Council will require a quorum of at least 10 Principal Members who are present at the meeting when the vote is conducted. votes will require a simple majority of members on the current distribution list who submit a vote.
Council Strategic Plan (Workforce Development Strategy) Vision: Federal Government is the model for learning excellence for mission success Mission: Develop a world-class workforce that serves the American People
2013 Goals and Strategies Goal 1: Provide strategic leadership for learning and development across the Federal government Strategies Establish CLOC as the Federal central body (Randy and Sandy) Implement MOA Develop plans for overarching responsibilities Develop operational processes (Steven P) Establish governance structure, processes and procedures (George T) Develop methodology for identifying prioritizing initiatives (Sandy) Develop procedures on use of quality standards (subgroup established) Identify metrics for measuring impact/effectiveness of CLOC
Goal 2: Identify key Federal initiatives for strategic focus: Strategies Align Federal learning & development needs (i.e. MCO Skill gap closure) (Dawn; George; Steven P.; Marty E; Karlease K) Develop procedures on use of quality standards (Joseph K, Julie B, Ben F, George T, Steven P., Marty E) Identify mandatory federal-wide training (Dawn P, Joseph K; Julie B, George T, Karlease K) Identify issues per GAO findings (Linda D.; Marty E., Karlease K)
2013 Goals and Strategies Goal 3: Build and maintain high value relationships with customers and stakeholders Strategies: Develop mechanism for inter/intra agency strategies to enhance collaboration and communication (Karlease K) Increase participation with CLOC (Joseph K, Marty E) Define communication roles and responsibilities (Linda D) Goal 4: Create an environment that fosters sharing of Learning and Content Resources Strategies Establish a centralized resource repository ( Fletcher H., Sandy W., Julie B., Steven M.) Develop innovative communication vehicles (e.g. Face Book, Twitter, etc.) (Fletcher H.) Identify resources support strategy including efficient use of existing resources (staff; facilities) (LaVeen T; Julie B., Steven M.)
MOA Overarching Responsibilities Strategic Alignment and Increased Efficiencies Collaborate across the federal government and produce a comprehensive Federal workforce development strategy, including an implementation plan to fulfill and advance statutory duties, strategic goals and objectives for government-wide workforce development programs. Align learning resources to high priority needs such as: mission critical occupations; organizational performance issues identified in performance reviews; and, measuring the impact of learning investment on agency and employee performance. Identify and develop processes that effectively limit unnecessary overlap and duplication of effort to ensure delivery of integrated and consistent learning across the Federal enterprise. Promote and optimize access to integrate workforce development activities.
MOA Overarching Responsibilities Technical Advice Share experiences, ideas, best practices and innovative approaches in order to provide the CHCOC, OPM, and OMB recommendations on government-wide workforce development strategies Design and develop valid measures of effectiveness into workforce development to ensure such activities adequately address learning objectives and thereby increase the likelihood that desired changes will occur in the target population’s competencies. Provide timely advice for proposed or draft legislation that may require or propose new or revised workforce development activities.
GAO Training Investment Practices Practice 1: (a) Identify the appropriate level of investment to provide for training and development efforts and (b) prioritize funding so that the most important training needs are addressed first. Practice 2: Identify the most appropriate mix of centralized and decentralized approaches for its training and development programs. Practice 3: Consider government-wide reforms and other targeted initiatives to improve management and performance when planning its training and development programs. Practice 4: Have criteria for determining whether to design training and development programs in-house or obtain these services from a contractor or other external source.
GAO Training Investment Practices Practice 5: Compare the merits of different delivery mechanisms (such as classroom or computer-based training) and determine what mix of mechanisms to use to ensure efficient and cost-effective delivery. Practice 6: Track the cost and delivery of its training and development programs agency- wide. Practice 7: Evaluate the benefits achieved through training and development programs, including improvements in individual and agency performance: (a) Has a formal process for evaluating employee satisfaction with training. (b) Has a formal process for evaluating improvement in employee performance after training. (c) Has a formal process for evaluating the impact of training on the agency’s performance goals and mission. Practice 8: Compare training investments, methods, or outcomes with those of other organizations to identify innovative approaches or lessons learned.