Karen Zhu UC Davis COSMOS 2015 Cluster 4 - Astrophysics Finding the Hubble Constant: Gravitational Lensing with B1608
What is Gravitational Lensing?
Fermat’s Principle Light naturally travels along the shortest path With gravitational lensing, multiple images are likely to come up because there are so many possible paths light can take through space
Why is there a time delay between different lensed images? (time delay) = (geometric delay) + (gravitational delay)
Using Gravitational Lensing to find the Hubble Constant The Hubble Constant measures the current rate of expansion of the universe in units of km/s/Mpc Why is this constant significant?
v = H 0 × d v refers to the redshift of the galaxy H 0 refers to Hubble’s constant d refers to the distance from Earth
H 0 refers to Hubble’s constant S h r efers to the error (in km/s/Mpc)
How do you determine the time delay of a gravitational lens?
# day ffa ffb ffc ffd fferra fferrb fferrc fferrd# Provided by Lord Fassnacht
figure (2) errorbar(nday-25.0,navg2,yerr=err1,fmt='o') #A ** errorbar(nday,navg3,yerr=err2,fmt='o') #B ** errorbar(nday-32.0,navg4,yerr=err3,fmt='o') #C ** errorbar(nday-53.0,navg5,yerr=err4,fmt='o') #D **
Model Time Delays: B1608 Provided by Lord Fassnacht
Solving for h
WORKS CITED Benitez, N., T. Broadhurst, H. Ford, M. Clampin, G. Hartig, and G. Illingworth. 1 Dec Web. 29 July Fassnacht, C. D., E. Xanthopoulos, L. V. E. Koopmans, and D. Rusin. "A Determination of H 0 with the CLASS Gravitational Lens B III. A Significant Improvement in the Precision of the Time Delay Measurements." ApJ The Astrophysical Journal (2002): Print. Howell, Elizabeth. "What Is The Hubble Constant? | Space.com." What Is He Hubble Constant? Purch, 21 Mar Web. 29 July Myers, Steven. "Scaling the Universe: Gravitational Lenses and the Hubble Constant." Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. The National Academy of Sciences, Web. 29 July Peeples, Molly. "Gravitational Lensing." Gravitational Lensing. 30 July Web. 29 July