Fourth Grade
Home Directory/H-Drive The location on the server where individual users can save their work. This directory is named the same as the username of the individual who logged on to the computer. Steps to Save on the H-Drive Click on File then Save as Name the Document and make the window large with the down arrow. Click on HJ-S3 on the left Click on your username Click Save
Upload Sending a disk file from your computer to another computer or location.
Download Transferring information electronically from another computer or location to your computer.
Searching Purposefully trying to find some object or information, sometimes with the help of a search system or search engine, sometimes using an information retrieval system, sometimes by submitting a formal query, often following some search strategy or plan.
Online Plugged in and ready for action. Online describes two devices connected by a telephone or computer cable that are ready and able to communicate.
Offline The state of your computer when it is not connected to the Internet, server, or other computer for communication or data sharing purposes.
Navigate The physical act of browsing the Internet or computer for information.
Formula An equation that performs operations on worksheet data; formulas can perform mathematical operations, such as addition and multiplication; formulas are essential elements of spreadsheet programs such as Numbers and Microsoft Excel.
Virus A program that disrupts the normal operation of a computer; it can cause a variety of problems, from the appearance of annoying messages to the destruction of information on your hard drive. Viruses can infect your computer from incoming modem transmissions or through an infected flash drive. All external drives must be scanned for viruses when connected to a network computer. No Way!
World Wide Web The WWW uses the Internet to share information by means of Web pages. Web pages are screens that may contain words, sounds, pictures, and videos. Web pages are created by individuals or groups such as business, government agencies, schools, and clubs.
Firewall A combination of hardware and software that separates a local area network (LAN) into two or more parts for security purposes.
Plagiarism The act of passing off as one's own ideas without giving credit to the original author. Brainstorming Plagiarism