Do now! Can you look at the diagrams of the male and female sex organs that we labeled last lesson?
This lesson Know about the menstrual cycle Know where fertilisation happens Know about the menopause
When? Girls usually start to have their periods between 8 and 15 years old.
What? During a period, the lining of the uterus breaks down and a small amount of blood and cells passes out of the vagina. This is called menstruation.
New egg After a period, a new egg starts to develop in the ovary.
Thickening lining Whilst the egg is developing, the lining of the uterus starts to thicken with blood vessels and glands.
Freedom! When the egg is ready it is released from the ovary. This is called ovulation. ¡Estoy libre!
The journey The egg travels down the oviduct. It needs to be fertilised by a sperm within about 2 days Fertilisation occurs in the oviduct (if sperm are present)
Not fertilised? If the egg is not fertilised by a sperm it dies and is passed out of the vagina along with the uterus lining and we start again!
Fertilised If the egg is fertilised by a sperm the fertilised egg implants itself in the thick uterus. The woman is pregnant.
Time line
Correct order Can you cut out the slides and stick them in your book in the correct order?
During a period When the blood passes out of the vagina a woman may catch the blood in towels
During a period or she may insert a tampon
Menopause Between the ages of about 45 and 55 a woman’s periods stop. This is called the menopause.
Menopause Between the ages of about 45 and 55 a woman’s periods stop. This is called the menopause. Can you copy the writing in blue please?
Menstrual Cycle 2 Can you complete the sheet “Menstrual Cycle 2”?