Measuring and Motivating: The Dual Purpose of Assessment m&mm&m Debra Kelley Vice President, Government Relations American Lung Association of San Diego and Imperial Counties 2750 Fourth Avenue San Diego, CA (619) or
oThe M&M process oTwo real-life examples oReport Card oSmoke-Free Bar Compliance Study m&mm&m Measuring and Motivating
SMOKE-FREE BAR OBSERVATIONS: no1.From the outside, was the interior of the bar visible? no2.Was a No Smoking sign posted on the premises? no3.Were customers smoking indoors? If yes, how many? #_______ no4.Were bar employees smoking indoors? 5.Other evidence of smoking: (a) ashtrays—clean (b) ashtrays—dirty (c) tobacco products in sight (d) could smell cigarette smoke (d) cigarettes for sale (in sight) m&mm&m Measuring and Motivating
oMeasuring – Key Ingredients oConsensus on criteria oCommunication with policymakers upfront oSolid assessment tool and data collection process oUse of pictures, visuals, personal stories to enhance quantitative data oClear delineation of responsibilities – who will take the heat?? m&mm&m Measuring and Motivating
oMotivating Factors oPositive press oPublic opinion oPolicymakers’ experiences and values oPositive recognition oJurisdiction’s policymaking history o“Bandwagon effect” m&mm&m Measuring and Motivating
oOther M&M essentials oCommunity action teams oModel policies and other tools oMedia advocacy program oRecognition programs m&mm&m Measuring and Motivating
m&mm&m Smoke-Free Bar Compliance Rates