ACTION PLAN - WP5- ( ADRIHEALTHMOB - 1° STR./0009/0) AUTHORS: Dorjan Marušič, Marša Marušič, Francesco Condello
ACTION PLAN -WP5- First draft: 15. april (as agreed on Kickoff meeting) Second draft: 9. june Final draft: 30. june Small changesbig time loss!
5.1 Development of the ICT Resource Centre for Health and Care It provides: information about health profiles for patients and users; distance learning support for professionals; publications, articles; list of health and care professionals and providers; statistics and data; opportunities for exchanging of professionals; networks of health and care providers and related transport services.
5.1 (December 2014) Development of the ICT Resource Centre for Health and Care The main goals of this action are : the creation of an open web based resource center - available in EN and partner country languages, for distance access to information, opinions, data and statistics about health and care institutions in the Adriatic area the organization (by CNR in February 2015) of an International Workshop ( participants) on ICT in Health and on the role of the Digital Sector in making the Health & Care Sector closer to Users. Delay: February 2015
5.2 Development of AdriHealthMob platform for eHealth and eCare Platform will deal with: tele-communication and distance control amongst health and care institutions (mapped in WP4); videoconference facilities for face-to-face contact between users and experts; second opinion and clinical support; tele-monitoring and tele-medicine to connect hinterland/rural areas with doctors, nurses and specialists, avoiding mobility and travels.
5.2 (February 2015) Development of AdriHealthMob platform for eHealth and eCare The main goals of this action are: the creation of restricted AdriHealthMob platform for tele-assistance in sector of Health and Care. The platform will be available in EN and partner country languages the organization (by Tetras) of an International Workshop (100 participants) on the role of eHealth and eCare as one of the main factors of reducing not-necessary mobility in Health & Care Sector.
5.3 Creation of a ICT based Map of crossborder health and care routes The ICT based map is conceived to be interactive and personalized, according to the health and care need of the users as well as the transport means and the accessibility modes. Such an interactive map provides: information about selected routes, as for health and care support, travelling information, transport assistance.
5.3 (February 2015) Creation of a ICT based Map of crossborder health and care routes The main goal of this action is: the creation of an Interactive Map, free of charge in download, personalized and tailored to users’ need, available in EN and partner country language to offer functional, optimized and assisted routes for transport scheme for health and care reasons.
5.4 Electronic Patient Summary: models and protocols Through a shared model of “Adriatic” EPS, AdriHealthMob promotes data gathering (freely provided by users) and the related reporting, considering: multi-languages needs, updating, restricted admittance to registered users, distance and secure access and management of own data, adoption of international standard data coding nomenclatures for interoperability across Adriatic area.
5.4 (March 2015) Electronic Patient Summary: models and protocols The main goals of this action are: the definition of model for the collection of data, methodology of reporting web resource for the storage and the distance access and protocols and memorandum of understanding for the exploitation and implementation of a system of EPS in the Adriatic area an international workshop (100 participants) will be organized by Marche Nord Hospital with the topic The Electronic Patient Summary.
Financial plan
Detailed future action plan Timeline
Detailed future action plan 5.1 December 2014 Realization of the ICT Resource Centre for Health and Care: Development of an open web based resource center for distance access to information, opinions, data and statistics about health and care institutions in the Adriatic area February 2015 International Workshop in Italy
Detailed future action plan 5.2 December 2014 Implementation of the eHealth and eCare platform section within the ICT Resource Centre for Health and Care: Implementation of the eHealth and eCare platform section devoted to telecommunication, telecontrol and telemedicine February 2015 International Workshop in Slovenia
Detailed future action plan 5.2 Portal platform
Detailed future action plan - partners CNR CNR will plan and develop distance e-learning and e-training portlets, that will be experimented (Act 6.1) in selected medical specialties TGM Heart Hospital will contribute to the setup of the platform for eHealth and eCare, particularly as concerns videoconference facilities and second opinion clinical support
Detailed future action plan - partners TeleMedWare TeleMedWare will cover part of remote patient monitoring, where homecare monitoring could support also video communication. They will be able to integrate a large number of devices for home monitoring.
Detailed future action plan - partners Ionian University The Ionian University will select, prepare and associate all the necessary information concerning Neurological e-Health record. They will analyze categorize these factors, to design the general framework for the implementation of the website application. Using the key information gathered they will create a secure electronic health database.