Technology Update- BYOD
Possible uses to support learning Calculator for Maths Calendar app for recording homework Internet for Research Dictionary/Thesaurus Use a dictionary or thesaurus online Bilingual Dictionaries Google Translate Use Google Taking notes timetable apps learning apps Revision Using Glow can be helpful for subjects such as drama in order to operate sound Certain apps allow pictures of math problems to be scanned in, then give step by step to finding the answer Garage Band for Music Language Apps looking up words and synonyms in English Maps could be used in geography Sketch Pad for creative subjects Stopwatch or timer for any sciences
Access to wi-fi Always at teachers discretion Covered by Acceptable Use Policy Connect to router Access to network
Details If bring your devices to school it is at your own risk You are not obliged to bring a device to school You cannot charge a device in school Access to internet should always be through Wi-fi system Use of devices is always at discretion of staff
Responsible use- some key points Keep all passwords to yourself Do not attempt to access in-appropriate sites Do not take unauthorised pictures within school Pupils should not be using phone signals If privilege is abused then staff can confiscate devices, pupils can be banned from all access in school, police may be involved
Use of tablet devices
Microsoft student advantage Free subscription to Office365 Proplus Available to all pupils in Dundee Not glow account 1TB of online storage Install latest versions of microsoft office products for personal use on upto 5 devices PC/ Mac/ Ipad/ Android /Iphone
Microsoft student advantage Login: current network username IE Password: same as your current password to log into school network Access:
School survey personal devices S1-6 Do you have a wi-fi enabled device: 97% yes3% no What type of device do you have: 26% smartphone only 0.5 % tablet only 73% tablet and smartphone Type of device 67% Apple22% Android3% Windows8% Others
Old handsets Can be made use of:in school, 3 rd World, Charities Working Charger Erase all personal data Sign out of apple icloud
Details placed on the school website