GO-JEK General Description Services Profile Location
GO-JEK is a smartphone application with which users can order an ojek (motorcycle taxi) to transport them places or to ask the driver to deliver goods. User can track an ojek driver’s location through the application with a Global Positioning System (GPS). It was established in 2011, popularity of GO-JEK has been rapidly rising since it launched android and IOS Apps earlier this year. GO-JEK drivers who dress in green jackets and helmets can be found easily by people. Nadiem Makarim, Brian Cu, Michael Angelo Moran are the founders of GO-JEK. GO-JEK has many services such as go ride, go food, go mart, go massage, go box, go glam, go clean and go send. The location can’t be found in the whole Indonesia but only in Java Island such as Jakarta, Bandung, Solo, Yogyakarta, and many more. The office is located in Kemang Selatan Raya Street No. 99. Android based smartphone is not possible if the service such as GO-JEK will be easily accepted by society. In addition, the advantages offered by GO-JEK services will be difficult to compete with the conventional motorcycle taxi drivers, especially in terms of price transparency and convenience.
Summary Hospital is an institution that provides medical services. The personnels of a hospital work to restore health to sick and injured people. Not only provide medical services, but also serve as centers for medical education and research. It is a must to follow a license to operate a hospital.
Created by: Nindia Destiani Aska Vita Intan Safitri Dewi Anjasmoro Wati