Welcome to Open House! K.L.E.S. Second Grade Ms. McCall
Our Classroom Rules Our school rules are: Keep Learning Every Second by being: Respectful Responsible Ready To Learn What does their straw represent?
Daily Snack each day Please send in healthy snacks with your child each day. We have a very long and productive day, and they are in need of some serious “brain food.” Crackers, cheese, and fruit are an excellent choice. Water and fruit juice are also great choices. Water Bottles Water Bottles are great for the students to keep at their desks all day.
Transportation Reminder!! If there are ANY changes in your child’s daily transportation please send a note or call the school by 2:30 to let us know! Any or voice mail received the day of the change may not be seen/heard in time. Please CC Debbie Hunt and Ann Rice in the front office.
Second Graders Taking Awesome Responsibility STAR Notebook Student responsibility to write in homework Please sign for their minutes read and behavior color
Name: _____________________________ 1st 9 Weeks Citizenship/Work Study Habits Record ColorConcern Code Homework Minutes ReadInitials M 8/30 Write 5 spelling sentences 20 B.B. T 8/31 Talking ABC Order15 B.B. W 9/1 Study Spelling words B.B. Th 9/2 Math 15 B.B. F 9/3 B.B. Add minutes read during the weekend minutes Total read this week: ___75__minutes
Grading Scale Individual Assignments A 80-89B 70-79C 60-69D 0-59F Homework and Group Assignments + = Excellent = Satisfactory -= Needs practice * Stars, stickers or stamps- looking for completion or we completed the assignment together
Grade book and attendance online Allow at least a week for grades to be updated Look for your child’s Password coming home soon, in the STAR folders GRADEBOOK Parent Portal
Pupil Progress Reports PPRs, aka report cards, are sent home each 9 weeks. Progress Alerts will be sent home at mid-nine week intervals for academic or social concerns. Conferences are held with each parent during the first semester, and on an as needed basis. Please look for a “Sign Up Genius” soon for time slots. reminders will be sent home before the scheduled conference!!!
County Adopted Reading Curriculum Available online Multi-texted based approach Phonics/word blending Consumable workbooks Fluency “Fresh Read” tests with application based questions and a long response writing component WONDERS
Go-Math! County adopted Math Curriculum Available online Consumable books Teaches multiple ways to solve for the answer Teaches to each learner’s strength Builds rigor and independence in math skills