Please feel free to explore the room and find your child’s seat. While you are waiting, please complete the inclement weather paperwork and the two Fire Safety forms. Please leave these at your child’s seat when you leave. There is a green sheet of paper on each desk if you would like to leave your child a note.
Here is a little information about myself. This is my 7 th year teaching at Mt. Bethel Elementary and I love it! I graduated from Georgia Southern University in May 2007 with a degree in Early Childhood Education. I am originally from California, but spent most of my “school years” right here in East Cobb. (I attended Walton High School…Go Raiders!!!) I am very active and enjoy the outdoors. Some of the activities I enjoy are running, soccer, hiking, camping, and canoeing. In addition to being a teacher, I am also an Assistant Cross Country & Track Coach at Walton High School.
What makes 4 th grade special? Spring field trip to Dahlonega Common Core Standards Larger class size More responsibility for the KIDS. The amazing things they will learn!
Daily Schedule 7:40First Bell 7:45Tardy Bell 7:45-7:55Morning Work 7:55-8:50Math 8:50-9:35Specials 9:35-9:55Snack & Math 9:55-11:12Language Arts 11:12-11:42Lunch 11:42-12:05Recess 12:05-12:45Finish ELA 12:45-2:05Science/ S.S. Media CenterEvery Friday 10:00-10:30 GuidanceEvery other Thursday 9:45-10:15
There are many different behavior management tools that are used in our classroom. Each of these tools is used to reinforce positive behavior and redirect poor behavior. Here are a few tools that we use: Marble Jar Lottery Tickets Making Better Choices Report Weekly Behavior Reports
Parent / Teacher /Student Communication ~In order to have the most successful year possible, we will need to have open communication. Here are a few of the ways we can communicate: BLOGS: and Newsletter – Each Monday parents AND students need to look over the newsletter that is posted on the BLOG. Part of Monday’s homework will be to record the “secret code” that is included each week. You and your child should look over the newsletter together and record the code at the bottom of the agenda. Student agenda – Monday is the only day that I require a parent signature in the agenda but it is very important that you keep up with your child’s progress each day. Weekly Reports – Attached to each week’s graded papers will be a weekly report that will reflect your child’s behavior. This will be signed and returned each week. MBES Telephone: (770)
Parent signature and “secret code” go on the bottom of the agenda every Monday. Please look over your child’s agenda EVERY DAY to make sure they are keeping up with their homework!
Homework Homework assignments are an extension of classroom instruction and should be challenging and meaningful. Homework will be assigned on a daily basis. Children are asked to write their homework in their agendas. We walk through this as a class daily. Your child will bring this agenda home every day to be reviewed by an adult. Agendas are a great way to maintain communication and help students stay accountable for their work. Please review your child’s homework with them each night. In addition to the assigned homework recorded in the agenda, students are required to record reading on a reading log. The reading log is due at the beginning of each new month. Homework completion is recorded and is reflected on the report card in Work/Study Skills. Children may not call home if they have forgotten a homework assignment. This is a school policy.
Graded Papers Graded papers go home on Thursday with a weekly evaluation attached. Sign and send the ENTIRE packet back to school the next day. Grading Scale: A = B = C = D = F = 69 -0
Reading and English Language Arts Block Vocabulary Building: We have an orange workbook that has wonderful activities to emphasize meaning, parts of speech, and usage. A quiz will follow each new unit. Spelling program: Words Their Way- Each week focusses on a new skill. A quiz will follow each new unit. Guided Reading: Students are in groups of the same reading level. Shared Reading: 4 th grade level with skill work. There are three reading books. Writing: writer’s workshop, Writing Traits, Lucy Calkins Book Studies (Read-a-louds) AR goals- AR points are checked weekly and student will have a point goal to reach for each quarter. Social studies and science topics will be integrated.
New Online Gradebook This year 4 th and 5 th grade are rolling out a new online gradebook. We are still being trained on how to use it so it is not quite ready. As soon as everything is settled I will provide you with information on how to access your child’s grades.
Math We will be working through the Common Core Standards for 4 th grade. These standards have a high focus on rigor and depth of knowledge. With this focus, your child will be asked to write about their math thinking and processes as well as apply their skills in new situations. IXL is an online program that will be used to practice math skills. There will be math homework most days Monday – Thursday to supplement what we are doing in the classroom. Multiplication speed drill: 100 basic multiplication facts in 5 minutes (The minimum goal is 80% by the end of the year.)
Social Studies Map & Globe Skills Economics Government Native Cultures Early Exploration Colonization Revolutionary War Constitution Westward Expansion
Science Water Weather Force and Motion / Simple Machines Light Sound Space Ecosystems Protective Adaptations
Life Skills 4th grade is a big year with big goals. In addition to the academic rigor of our standards, many life skills will be practiced throughout the year. –Organization –Responsibility –Self-discipline –Taking Ownership –And so much more…
Final Notes Water bottles -No juice please! Snack – Healthy! Birthdays-Let me know if you want to send in a treat. Treats are welcomed! (Please pre-cut the treat and please send napkins!!!) If there is a change in your child’s transportation it must be stated in a note signed by the office. If it is a bus change the Cobb County form has to be used. If your child is absent due to a doctor visit or illness, please send him/her with a note.
I am so happy that all of you could come tonight! I look forward to staying in contact with you throughout the year and I especially look forward to teaching your children! ??????????? Are there any questions ???????????