MRERP Missouri River Ecosystem Restoration Plan and Environmental Impact Statement One River ▪ One Vision A Component of the Missouri River Recovery Program Fish and Wildlife Coordination Act and the Missouri River Ecosystem Restoration Plan
Missouri River Ecosystem Restoration Plan and EIS One River ▪ One Vision Presentation Objectives Requirements of the Fish and Wildlife Coordination Act (FWCA) pertaining to MRERP Cooperating Agencies Team (CAT). How the FWCA will be integrated into the MRERP process. How FWCA activities will be accomplished through the CAT.
Missouri River Ecosystem Restoration Plan and EIS One River ▪ One Vision Procedural and permissive law. USFWS coordinates with the various State fish and wildlife agencies USFWS and State fish & wildlife agencies participate with USACE informally and formally in all stages of the planning process. Complements NEPA and MRERP planning processes. Objectives of consultation under FWCA complements MRERP purpose and need to conserve wildlife by: -Preventing loss and damage, and -Providing for development and improvement. FWCA Requirements
Missouri River Ecosystem Restoration Plan and EIS One River ▪ One Vision Recommendations made by USFWS and appropriate State agencies under the FWCA shall: – be as specific as practicable – address wildlife conservation – describe impacts and mitigation needs – address opportunities to develop and enhance fish and wildlife The USACE must give full consideration to recommendations made under the FWCA. Final conservation measures are decided by the USACE. FWCA Recommendations
Missouri River Ecosystem Restoration Plan and EIS One River ▪ One Vision Methods to convey recommendations: - Planning Aid during Meetings - Planning Aid Memorandum (PAM) - Planning Aid Letter (PAL) - Planning Aid Report (PAR) - Formal Section 2(b) Report FWCA Recommendations
Missouri River Ecosystem Restoration Plan and EIS One River ▪ One Vision Provide Technical Assistance –Initial Service evaluation of the study and alternatives –Study needs Asking for information More than one may be submitted Does not constitute the final report of the DOI as required by Section 2(b) of the FWCA -Building blocks for 2(b) report FWCA Planning Aid
Missouri River Ecosystem Restoration Plan and EIS One River ▪ One Vision 2(b) Reports End of coordination for formal project planning Contains Service position Recommendations - timing Documents impacts - biology Historical document to monitor impacts and track and evaluate effectiveness of recommendations FWCA Overview
Missouri River Ecosystem Restoration Plan and EIS One River ▪ One Vision FWCA & MRERP Process A USFWS biologist will be taking notes during the CAT meetings to capture the feedback that is given to the USACE by State fish and wildlife agencies that may have relevance to FWCA activities. In the spirit of collaboration, the USFWS encourages agencies to engage and provided feedback during regular CAT meetings.
Missouri River Ecosystem Restoration Plan and EIS One River ▪ One Vision FWCA & MRERP Process Planning Aid Letters (PALs) will be prepared and submitted to the USACE on an as-needed basis. CAT products and meeting summaries are intended to serve the function of capturing the substantive recommendations that would normally be contained in a PAL. A draft FWCA 2(b) report will be published in draft form with the draft MRERP/EIS. A final FWCA report will be submitted to the USACE to accompany the final MRERP-EIS for approval.
Missouri River Ecosystem Restoration Plan and EIS One River ▪ One Vision Summary: Procedural and permissive law FWCA provides opportunity for active participation of USFWS and State fish and game agencies in project planning Fish and wildlife issues become part of decision making/public interest review process Complements NEPA (MRERP and the EIS) FWCA
Missouri River Ecosystem Restoration Plan and EIS One River ▪ One Vision QUESTIONS? Carol S. Hale, Fish and Wildlife Biologist U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service P.O. Box 710 Yankton, South Dakota Office: (402) Cell: (605)