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RAUL VAZQUEZ DIAZ Technical Background MEng Degree in Aeronautical Engineering Universidad Politécnica de Madrid - Degree Result: First MEng Degree in Space Technology Universidad Politécnica de Madrid. Degree Result: First Actually - Engineering Fellow in Aerodynamics at Rolls-Royce and he also has experience of management and coaching large engineering and research teams. He was also Associated Professor in the Fluid Mechanics and Aerospace Propulsion Dept. at the Universidad Politécnica de Madrid. More information in -
Technical Background Research Over the past 20 years, Raul has worked extensively with Industry and University undertaking research in the field of fluid dynamics of turbomachinery, aiming at reducing the emissions and fuel consumption of aeroengines and gas turbines for multiple applications. Research Fluid dynamics of turbomachinery Industry University
Awards and Professional Activities Highest overall achievement in the Spanish Education system, 1988. Highest Award in Industria de Turbo Propulsores (ITP), 2000, because of my contribution in turbine research. Regular reviewer for the Journals of Turbomachinery, IMechE and Experiments in Fluids. Chairman in international conferences: TurboExpo (ASME), European Turbomachinery Conference (ETC), etc. Executive Member of EUROTURBO (European Turbomachinery Association). Member of Aeroacoustics Specialists' Committee of CEAS-ASC (Council of European Aerospace Societies). Lecturer in VKI (Von Karman Institute for Fluid Dynamics, Brussels, Belgium). Lecturer in Turbo Expo Workshops (ASME). Close collaboration with Whittle Laboratory of Cambridge University from 1999 to 2005. He has published papers in several Journals and presented lectures in multiple conferences and events.
Que te ofrecemos
1989-1995 MEng Degree in Aeronautical Engineering Universidad Politécnica de Madrid - Degree Result: First 1994-1995 MEng Degree in Space Technology 1996-1997 Industria de Turbopropulsores, S.A (ITP) Madrid (Spain) Aerodynamic Engineer. Development of methods for aerodynamic design and analysis of turbomachinery. 1997-1998 Honeywell Engines (Formerly: Allied Signal) Phoenix (Arizona), USA. Leader of the aerodynamic design of a Low Pressure Turbine (Inter Turbine Duct, 3 stages and Outlet Guide vane) for HTF7000 Turbofan (formerly AS907) as ITP employee. 1998-2001 Industria de Turbopropulsores, S.A (ITP) Madrid (Spain) Responsible of R&T Projects in Aerodynamics. Collaboration with Whittle Laboratory of Cambridge University, UK. Industria de Turbopropulsores, S.A (ITP) Madrid (Spain) 2002-2014 Fellow in Aerodynamics. Chief of Aerodynamics, Heat Transfer and Noise. Leader of CTA (Centro de Tecnologías Aeronáuticas) Test Beds. Responsible of R&T Projects in Aerodynamics. 2009-2014 Chief of Functional Engineering (Engine Performance and Fluid Systems). 2004-2014 Polytechnic University of Madrid (UPM). Associated Professor in Fluid Mechanics & Turbomachinery. Department of Fluid Mechanics, Thermodynamics and Engine Propulsion. School of Aeronautical Engineering.