v0.2 [PMO (CR)]1 CJS Common Platform Programme Collaboration Principles and Behaviours ‘ Working on the CJS CPP is a once in a lifetime opportunity to contribute towards changing the way that justice is delivered.’
v0.2 [PMO (CR)]2 Purpose The purpose of this document is to set out a common set of collaboration principles and behaviours that are expected of anyone working on the CJS CPP regardless of their role and parent organisation.
v0.2 [PMO (CR)]3 Glossary of Key Terms TermMeaning Criminal Justice System Common Platform Programme As a joint initiative between Her Majesties Courts and Tribunals Service (HMCTS) and the Crown Prosecution Service (CPS), the CJS CPP is a technology enabled business transformation programme. It will improve current ways or working, delivering cost and time savings through: Staff working from and sharing the same set of accurate data; Readily available and easily accessible information; Reduction of workplace duplications; Reduction in paper based systems; Joined up, flexible ad innovative ways of working such as access from any location by the user’s device of choice. The CustomerThe end users of the CJS CPP delivered services (i.e. CPS/HMCTS Staff, members of the judiciary, legal/advice community and citizens). The AUTHORITYThis is the CJS CPP or it’s representatives. A delivery partnerThis is any delivery organisation, either internal to MoJ/HMCTS/CPS, or an external commercial organisation that has been engaged to deliver services to the CJS CPP.
v0.2 [PMO (CR)]4 CJS CPP – Collaboration Principles In order to ensure the effective delivery of the CJS CPP’s business objectives, it is expected that the AUTHORITY (or its representatives) and CJS CPP delivery partners shall act in the following way: 1.Collaborative Intention: maintain a genuine non-defensive presence and make a commitment to mutual success in their relationship with the AUTHORITY and other delivery partners. Upon assignment of a task, activity, deliverable or user story the AUTHORITY will ensure that expectations the associated work instruction has clearly defined, and achievable requirements and associated acceptance criteria; The AUTHORITY will take accountability for the end delivery of any AUTHORITY dependencies that will enable a task, activity, deliverable or user story to be successfully delivered by delivery partner(s). Upon assignment of a task, activity, deliverable or user story delivery partners shall take on accountability for its end to end delivery in adherence to the AUTHORITY’s expectations in adherence with the associated acceptance criteria. 2.Openness: commit to both telling the truth and listening to the truth and create a culture of openness that allows the AUTHORITY and delivery partners to feel safe enough to discuss concerns, solve problems and deal directly with difficult issues. 3.Self-Accountability: take responsibility for their circumstances and the choices that they make either through their action or failing to act as well as the intended and unforeseen circumstances of these actions. Focus on the solution to a problem or issue rather than seeking to apportion blame. 4.Self Awareness and Awareness of Others: commit to understanding their own organisations issues as well as understanding concerns, intentions and motivations of others (i.e. those of the AUTHORITY and/or other delivery partners). Do not criticise one delivery partners performance in front of others. Treat partners with respect and courtesy. 5.Problem Solving and Negotiating: use problem-solving methods that promote a co-operative atmosphere and avoids fostering covert, overt, conscious or unconscious enmity, conflicts or point-scoring. Work through areas of disagreement, share ideas and listen with respect once a decision is made there is a collective responsibility to abide by it and support it publicly.
CJS CPP – Common Behaviours/ Values v0.2 [PMO (CR)]5 Value/Behaviour – We (i.e. the AUTHORITY and delivery partners) will: 1.Understand our role and the part that we plan in the delivery of the CJS CPP business objectives. 2.Put value for money at the heart of everything we do. Manage risk effectively and deliver better value for money. 3.Innovate and work at pace to deliver better services on behalf of the CJS CPP. 4.Build strong relationships based on trust: be visible, honest, meet our commitments, communicate clearly and reward positive behaviours and attitudes. 5.Act as one team ‘one goal’: watch each others backs, understand each others perspectives, continuously improve, be organisationally agnostic in front of the customer. 6.Apply a positive ‘can do’ mindset: be solution focussed, deliver and succeed as one team. 7.Aspire to achieve ‘win-win’ outcomes: communicate and compromise. Cooperate in pursuing the end goal for our customer. Don’t compete - recognise, celebrate and share success. 8.Avoid surprises: create transparency. Be open and authentic, know what’s expected and manage expectations. Collaborate before we escalate.