A business can de owned and organised in several forms Determines power, control, risk, responsibility Division of profits and losses Long term consideration- made after considerable thought and deliberation
Nature of business Scale of operations Degree of control desired by the owner Amount of capital Volume of risk and liabilities Tax liabilities
Nature of business: $ Business providing direct services & professional services - proprietary concerns $ Accounting firms - pooling of skills and funds - partnership firms $Manufacturing organisations - large size- pvt & public companies
Scale of operations: Key factors in scale of operations are: Volume of business( large, medium,small ) Market area( local, national, international) $Large scale organisations – catering to national & international markets – organised successfully as pvt or public firms $ Small & medium scale firms – generally set up as partnership or proprietorship
$ When area of operations is wide spread (national/ international) company ownership is appropriate $ When area confined to a particular locality partnership or proprietorship will be the suitable choice
Degree of control desired by ownwer: A person who desires direct control of business prefers proprietorship because a company involves separation of ownership & mgt Amount of capital: A partnership company when it grows beyond the capacity of a few persons
Volume of risk & liabilities Comparitive tax liabilities
Sole proprietorship Private ltd company Public ltd company Partnership firms Joint Hindu Family Business Co-operatives Limited liability partnership
A business can be owned and operated in several forms.Each form of business has it’s own merits and demerits. The ultimate choice of the form of business depends upon the balancing of the merits and demerits of the various forms of business.