Tolerance and Autoimmunity Autoimmunity – inappropriate response of the immune system against self component. Tolerance – mechanisms that exist to protect an individual from potentially self-reactive lymphocytes.
Tolerance and Autoimmunity
Tolerance and Autoimmunity
Tolerance and Autoimmunity Establishment and Maintenance of Tolerance Factors that promote tolerance: High doses of antigen Persistence of antigen in host Intravenous or oral introduction Absence of adjuvants Low levels of costimulators
Tolerance and Autoimmunity Establishment and Maintenance of Tolerance
Tolerance and Autoimmunity Regulatory T cells (Treg cells)
Tolerance and Autoimmunity
Tolerance and Autoimmunity
Tolerance and Autoimmunity Contributors to autoimmunity: CD4+ T cell MHC TCR
Tolerance and Autoimmunity Proposed mechanisms for induction of autoimmunity
Autoimmunity Molecular mimicry
Autoimmunity Current Treatments: Immunosuppressive drugs Thymectomy Plamapheresis TNF-a blockers