SCIAF’s work in Colombia
Visiting Chocó
Chocó factfile Capital: Quibdo Population: 490,000 Language: Spanish Mostly Afro-Colombian and indigenous people who live in harmony with the land and rivers Capital: Quibdo Population: 490,000 Language: Spanish Mostly Afro-Colombian and indigenous people who live in harmony with the land and rivers
Two thirds of people live in poverty Inequality, corruption and armed conflict are making things worse 0.5% of the population owns 60% of the land Two thirds of people live in poverty Inequality, corruption and armed conflict are making things worse 0.5% of the population owns 60% of the land In Chocó
99% of Embera people don’t have enough to eat
Illegal mining cattle ranches banana farms
Seeds, tools and training
Small fish farms
First aid supplies and training
Home improvements
Helping people to understand, and stand up for, their rights
Who’s on your WEE BOX ?
Fabio, 46 Criseria, 44 Nelly, 17 Alexis, 10
“Five-hundred years ago all of this continent was indigenous. Then the colonisers came. They say that they discovered this country but they didn’t discover anything. We already knew the mountains and the rivers.” The Emberá
“The territory is our mother land. It gives us everything we need. If there was no territory, we wouldn’t exist. ”
“My main worry is that there isn’t enough food for my children. Our land isn’t wide enough to produce much. The river floods and ruins the banana crop. If we didn’t get food from the town we would starve.”
“In the past everything came from the forest. There was always food. Our lives nowadays are hard. Everything is unbalanced. We are losing our land, our rights and our traditional knowledge and beliefs.”
“We’re able to provide for our children so that they can provide for their own children in the future.”
Every £1 spent on our WEE BOX campaign raises £6 Last year we raised over £860,000 Each WEE BOX costs just 9p to make But raises 39 times that amount WEE BOX, BIG Change
Asking people to give, reflect and act A chance to say thank you Raising awareness about life overseas Showing how your support helps Join our Lenten journey
The ‘look closer’ campaign Live simply, so that others can simply live.
Look closer at what’s on your plate Issue: In Colombia people are being forced off their land to make way for cattle farming Action: Eat less meat. Try ‘meat free Mondays’, ‘Fish on Friday’ or both Issue: In Colombia people are being forced off their land to make way for cattle farming Action: Eat less meat. Try ‘meat free Mondays’, ‘Fish on Friday’ or both
Look closer at your carbon footprint Issue: The poorest people have done least to cause climate change but they are suffering the most. Action: Reduce your energy footprint. Why not try a ‘power down’ one night a week? Issue: The poorest people have done least to cause climate change but they are suffering the most. Action: Reduce your energy footprint. Why not try a ‘power down’ one night a week?
Look closer at what you throw away Issue: 1 in 8 people go hungry, yet in Scotland we throw away 556,000 tonnes of food each year Action: Plan what you eat and only buy what you need Issue: 1 in 8 people go hungry, yet in Scotland we throw away 556,000 tonnes of food each year Action: Plan what you eat and only buy what you need “Throwing away food is like stealing from the table of the poor and hungry.” (Pope Francis)
Fewer printed materials No plastic wrapped WEE BOX packs All-in-one leaflet costs 50% less 25% fewer WEE BOXES going to parishes New look WEE BOX What’s Changed this Lent?
Display posters & hand out WEE BOXES before Lent Read the Mass talk or book a SCIAF speaker Include our Lent updates in your parish bulletin Ask people to return their WEE BOXES in Holy Week Encourage them to Gift Aid their donations How you can help
Adds 25p to every £1 you donate We can backdate all donations up to 2009 People can Gift Aid donations to multiple charities You MUST follow the Gift Aid regulations Gift Aid
DON’T x Give the details of your church or school instead x Put a cross x Use old Gift Aid envelopes x Make your own sponsorship forms DO Provide YOUR full name and address TICK the box Ask us to send you new Gift Aid envelopes Use Gift Aid approved sponsorship forms Gift Aid Dos and Don’ts
Videos, stories and photos Prayers, reflections and thought for the day PowerPoint to accompany Stations of the Cross Short play for Caritas Award students Online
Thank you!