Bilateral cooperation with foreign partners in the area of cultural heritage and contemporary arts: conditions and prerequisites for achieving the objectives Means and possibilities of establishing and developing bilateral relationships Time schedule of the activities leading to achievement of the objective Results of bilateral cooperation within Programme CZ 06 Vladimír Študent Ministry of Culture Head of EEA Grants Department Bilateral cooperation within Programme CZ 06 Cultural Heritage and Contemporary Arts – an example of good practice
Bilateral cooperation with foreign partners in the area of cultural heritage and contemporary arts: conditions and prerequisites for achieving the objectives Framework documents (MF) – Memorandum of Understanding, EEA Grants Agreement International conventions and policies (MC) - UNESCO Conventions on the Protection and Promotion of the Diversity of Cultural Expressions and Safeguarding of the Intangible Cultural Heritage, implementation of the state’s cultural policy Close cooperation between the two programme partners Content of Programme CZ06 (MC): 55 references to bilateral cooperation with partners, 2 PDP Content of the callas and programme (MC) – compulsory coproduction activities Evaluation of applications (MC) – points for bilateral cooperation
Close cooperation between programme partners Cooperation and assistance in programme preparation Coordination and sharing of information between the partners Assistance of foreign experts in project evaluation and selection Joint implementation of accompanying bilateral activities
Eligible project activities PA 17 1.Professional theatre (physical and non-verbal theatre, professional dance and performance art) 1.1.Festival, show (support to the organizer of a festival or a show of cross regional, nationwide importance, particularly with participation or collaboration of a donor state partner/partners, or a show or festival of international importance) – compulsory coproduction project¹. 1.2.New interdisciplinary (or alternative) project (support to its production and one year of staging). The project will comply with the objectives of Programme Area 17 – compulsory coproduction project¹. 1.3.New performance project - support of the production of a performance project (or another type of theatre event) and one year of staging – facultative coproduction project¹. 1.4.Running (staging) of a performance project (support to repeated staging of particularly inspiring and innovative performance projects fulfilling the objectives of Programme Area 17) – facultative coproduction project¹. 1.5.Creative workshop, specialized course, conference, seminar (support to these activities aiming at fulfilment of the objectives of Programme Area 17 with participation or collaboration of a donor state partner/partners) – compulsory coproduction project¹. Activities 1.1. to 1.4. include the possibility to release a related audio-visual recording and a non periodical publication, activity 1.5 the possibility to release a non-periodical publication. 2.Professional visual arts 2.1.Exhibition project (support to an exhibition project fulfilling the objectives of Programme Area 17) – facultative coproduction project¹. 2.2.Support to a year-round exhibition project (support to the production of a yearly exhibition programme focused on the objectives of Programme Area 17) – facultative coproduction project¹. 2.3.Creative workshop, specialized course, conference, seminar (supporting activities aimed at fulfilling of Programme Area 17 objectives, with participation or collaboration of a donor state partner/partners) – compulsory coproduction project¹. Activities 2.1. to 2.3. include the possibility to release a related non-periodical publication (in the case of activity 2.3., with costs shall exceeding 10% of the grant value). 3.Professional music (classic, contemporary and alternative music) 3.1.Music festival (support to the organizer of a music festival of cross-regional, nationwide importance, with participation or collaboration of a donor state partner/partners, or a festival of international importance) – compulsory coproduction project¹. 3.2.Concert event (support to the organization a concert event fulfilling the objectives of Programme Area 17) – facultative coproduction project¹. 3.3.Creative workshop, specialized course, conference, seminar (support to these activities aiming at the fulfilment of Programme Area 17 objectives, with participation or collaboration of a donor state partner/partners) – compulsory coproduction project¹. Activities 3.1. to 3.3. include the possibility to release a related audio/audio-visual recording and a non-periodical publication (in the case of activity 3.2., its costs shall not exceed 20% of the grant value). 4.Film art 4.1.Creative workshop for screenwriters, specialized course, conference, seminar (support to events expanding international partnership and exchange of experience in the area of film screenwriting – with active participation of a donor state partner/partners) – compulsory coproduction project¹. 4.2.Film festival or show (support to the organizer of an event aiming at the fulfilment of Programme Area 17 objectives, expanding international partnership) - compulsory coproduction project. Activity 4.1. includes the possibility to release a related audio-visual recording and a non-periodical publication. 1) At the level of individual projects, the participants will be encouraged to establish cooperation with a Donor State partner/s. For eight of the expected thirteen activities, coproduction with a Donor State partner will be compulsory.
Bilateral cooperation with foreign partners in the area of cultural heritage and contemporary arts: conditions and prerequisites for achieving the objectives 2 The project does not have a donor state partner – 0 points; the project has a donor state partner, the cooperation of the partners is assumed during the project period only (active continuation of cooperation after successful completion of the projects is not described in the application) – 1-2 points; the project is implemented in cooperation with a donor state partner, based on description in the application and the project characteristics, active cooperation and continuation of partner cooperation may be reasonably expected after the project is implemented – 3-5 Evaluation of applications – evaluation criteria for PA16 3. Relevance of the project 10 The project significantly contributes to the development of bilateral cooperation with donor states Project structure, risks and outputs 31 The roles and level of contribution of donor state partner/s in the design and implementation of the project are clearly defined (where projects implemented in coproduction with donor state partner/s are concerned.) 0-55 Evaluation of applications – evaluation criteria for PA17 5. Horizontal (cross-cutting) policies * The project helps strengthen bilateral relationships with the donor states.0- 7 Bookmark Partners 5.4* -The project does not have a donor state partner – 0 points; The project has a donor state partner and the cooperation of the partners is assumed during the project period only – 3 points; The project is implemented in cooperation with a donor state partner, based on description in the application and the project characteristics, active cooperation and continuation of partner cooperation may be reasonably expected after the project is implemented – 4 points; The project has long-term ties with the donor state partner and the project significantly contributes to the continuation and intensification of the partnership cooperation – 6 points.
Means and possibilities of establishing and developing bilateral relationships
Number of participants in the match-making seminar: Norway, Iceland, Liechtenstein – 42 CR – 135 Activities: -learning about the Czech cultural environment -5 thematic workshops -addressing cross-sectional issues
Time schedule of the activities leading to achievement of the objective Year Announc. of bilateral cooperati on Announcement of bilateral cooperation between grant applicants and donor state partners – 3 years Program CZ06 Drafting programme proposal – 7 months Approval of the Programme by MF and FMO – 15 months Notification of the Programme – 8 months Commun. of Progr. Proposal Communication of Programme Proposal – 15 months Communi cation of the Program Communication of the Programme – 21 months Consult. of projects and appl. Consulting of projects – 7 months Consulting of projects and applications – 14 months Prelimin. announc. of calls Preliminary announcem ent of calls Period of calls Match- making s. BF-A – Memorandum of Understanding signed and Programme approved by the DPP and submitted to MF Website of the EEA Grants Department l aunched – Programme sent for notification Programme approved by the donors (FMO) and MF MF and FMO signed Programme Agreement and Notification of the Programme and announcement of the calls – Match-making s eminar and Calls opened and posted on the websites and Closing of calls and answering questions – C alls announced ; – 2nd call – Opening of a call for meeting with partners – 2nd call closed
Results of bilateral cooperation within Programme CZ 06 Programme CZ 06 – Cultural Heritage and Contemporary Arts Call: Evaluated applications Approved projects Partnership projects Projects of contributory organisations of the Ministry of Culture Allocation (CZK) PA 16 – Conservation and revitalisation of cultural and natural heritage ,301,696 PA 17 – 1 st Call – Promotion of diversity in culture and arts within European cultural heritage ,004,004 PA 17 – 2 nd Call – Promotion of diversity in culture and arts within European cultural heritage ,728,326 Total: ,034,026
Results of EEA and Norway Grants 2009 – 2014 (2017) Progr. Programme PartnerProgr. Allocation Number of applicat. Number of approved projects Number of approved projects with bi- cooperation % of the total number of approved projects Number of approved BFB initiatives CZ02Ministry of the Environment CZK (49%)23%21 CZ04M. of Labour and Social Affairs CZK44 1 (25%)1%1 CZ CZK11 0 (0%)0%1 CZ06Ministry of Culture CZK (78%)56%22 CZ08Ministry of the Environment CZK54 3 (75%)4%6 CZ10Ministry of Finance CZK11 1 (100%)1%0 CZ11Ministry of Health CZK (29%)11%12 CZ CZK11 1 (100%)1%0 CZ14Ministry of Interior CZK66 0 (0%)0%3 CZ15Ministry of Justice CZK66 2 (33%)3%5 Total %71
Results of EEA and Norway Grants 2009 – 2014 (2017)
Average value of allocation provided by the Ministry of Culture of the Czech Republic in 2014 ……………………………….. CZK 0,15 million = EUR 5,6 thousand Average value of allocation from EEA/Norway grants …………………………………………………………………………………….………… CZK 2,50 million = EUR 94 thousand