Introduction to BEAst February 2016
2 BEAst mission ”To develop standards and services for electronic information exchange enabling efficient and sustainable construction”
Byggbranschens Elektroniska Affärsstandard 3 Facts about BEAst 100 members: Industry organizations, contractors, trading companies, manufacturers, logistics providers and system suppliers Financed by member fees and project funding's Started 1988 with project “Data communication”, DK Bygg Activities: –Standards for e-com processes –Lead and support sector implementation –Working committees in focus areas –Standards and implementation projects –Services. An industry portal with businesses –Information, training courses and support Objective is to support the transition to e-com usage and thereby higher productivity
Byggbranschens Elektroniska Affärsstandard 4 BEAst organisation and main activities Standards and recommendations Committees for experience exchange Industry development projects Pilot- and demo projects BEAst Portal for SME companies PEPPOL for efficient communication Support and advisory services BEAst Community for e- business
Standards from BEAst
Byggbranschens Elektroniska Affärsstandard 6 BEAst Trade for e-business, BEAst Supply (NeC and Material) for supply to construction sites BEAst Supply NeC BEAst Supply Material Manufacturers Service providers Freight, gravel etc Construction sites Trading companies BEAst Trade BEAst Supply Material or BEAst Trade
Byggbranschens Elektroniska Affärsstandard 7 Common standards which is a base for all processes (BEAst Trade and BEAst Supply) BEAst Invoice Suppliers Buyers BEAst Project list BEAst Catalogue BEAst Portal BEAst PEPPOL Access and register
Byggbranschens Elektroniska Affärsstandard Content for all BEAst standards. Downloaded from 8 A common business process is the base An information model for exchanging standard messages A data dictionary that defines all data elements in messages. Available in Swedish and English A message standard with descriptions of business documents, XML schemas and test files Article catalogue for material, freight and machine services Support functions: Portal for SME:s and PEPPOL access
Byggbranschens Elektroniska Affärsstandard 9 Standard messages in BEAst Supply NeC and areas of usage Material ticket Invoice Call off Call off response CUSTOMERCUSTOMER SUPPLIERSUPPLIER Delivery schedule Order receipt Transport status Gravel etc Concrete Asphalt Freight Waste Del. schedule reply Order receipt reply
Byggbranschens Elektroniska Affärsstandard BEAst Supply Material and BEAst Label supports efficient construction logistics
Byggbranschens Elektroniska Affärsstandard BEAst Label shows the straight path to the delivery and assembly destination
Byggbranschens Elektroniska Affärsstandard Four corner stones in the BEAst Supply process for more efficient supply 12 Delivery planning o Sharing of information early in the process o Continuous updates o Delivery parts e-communication o Digitalized and standardized exchange Marking and labelling o Transport and package labels o Bar code reading Goods reception o Notification o Internal worksite logistics o Matching
Byggbranschens Elektroniska Affärsstandard Building process parties in a standardized digital flow, from drawing to delivery
Byggbranschens Elektroniska Affärsstandard Facts about the project ”Efficient material supply” 14 Pre study: 2011 o Indicated large needs all through the supply chain Stage 1: 2012 – 2013 o BEAst Supply and BEAst Label standards developed o 20 limited pilots proved that the standarden worked in practice Stage 2: 2014 – 2015 o Quality assurance of the standard o Pilots in integrated solutions o Guidelines for special areas like system deliveries o Implementation support o Launching of an industry portal o Follow up and marketing
Byggbranschens Elektroniska Affärsstandard BEAst Label: a standard package label in four versions for different usage areas
Byggbranschens Elektroniska Affärsstandard 17 BEAst Invoicing portal, for companies without systems with standards built-in BEAst Invoicing portal Web invoice BEAst Invoice standard invoice Suppliers companies Many suppliers to many customers Customers producers traders contractors service companies
Byggbranschens Elektroniska Affärsstandard BEAst Portal with users manual or integrated. Web interfaces for whole order to invoice process 18 Freight and machine services BEAst Supply NeC Material supply BEAst Supply Material Manual supplier logs in Suppliers Kunder Internal system Integration Internal system Integration Integration with other portals, internal or external Invoicing BEAst Invoice Manual customer logs in BEAst Portal Area of usage, standards supported: Plans, call off, labeling, booking, status, invoice Forwarding, transport
Byggbranschens Elektroniska Affärsstandard 19 BEAst PEPPOL service connects companies by using PEPPOLs built-in DNS adressing Party System Party System Register (SMP) Access point (AP) Secure communication Limited to standards Common rules Access point - AP BEAst PEPPOL cloud Party System Party System BEAst standards - BEAst Supply Material - BEAst Supply NeC - BEAst Invoice S/FTP PEPPOL SML PEPPOL SMP PEPPOL SMP Other PEPPOL clouds Addressing PEPPOL SMP AP Central DNS service for addressing Address register - SMP Address register - SMP Party Direct access for all in BEAst cloud Message traffic
Byggbranschens Elektroniska Affärsstandard 20 Contact with BEAst Web site Peter