Biomass energy, bioetanol, biodiesel and USW.
Obtaining electricity from MSW The current trend in the correct treatment of municipal solid waste generated is determined in the following steps: Recovery and recycling of all that usable fraction (compost, paper and cardboard, plastics, etc..) By MSW recycling plants, selective collection of packaging and other selection technique and recovery. Given that the performance of these facilities is not 100%, and that not all waste is recyclable, it is always a significant fraction of residue considered rejection. This fraction is likely to be addressed through new technologies for energy recovery, gaining power and waste, the slag, which can be eliminated in dump or reused in secondary uses. The landfill is currently the most established solution. The future trend is to eliminate landfill only the fraction that has been fully valued, first by recycling, then incineration. Currently in Spain the situation regarding the treatment of MSW is: controlled release represents 63% recovery and 14% composting, incineration 5% and 18% can not receive adequate treatment. However, if we compare with the European Union, recovery and composting account for 16%, 24% incineration and the rest, which is 60%, does not receive specific treatment and going to landfill. Obtaining electricity from MSW The current trend in the correct treatment of municipal solid waste generated is determined in the following steps: Recovery and recycling of all that usable fraction (compost, paper and cardboard, plastics, etc..) By MSW recycling plants, selective collection of packaging and other selection technique and recovery. Given that the performance of these facilities is not 100%, and that not all waste is recyclable, it is always a significant fraction of residue considered rejection. This fraction is likely to be addressed through new technologies for energy recovery, gaining power and waste, the slag, which can be eliminated in dump or reused in secondary uses. The landfill is currently the most established solution. The future trend is to eliminate landfill only the fraction that has been fully valued, first by recycling, then incineration. Currently in Spain the situation regarding the treatment of MSW is: controlled release represents 63% recovery and 14% composting, incineration 5% and 18% can not receive adequate treatment. However, if we compare with the European Union, recovery and composting account for 16%, 24% incineration and the rest, which is 60%, does not receive specific treatment and going to landfill.
The use of electric power today is done in two ways, from the combustion of biogas generated in MSW landfills as a product of anaerobic fermentation of organic matter discharged, and also in thermal treatment plants, by utilizing the calorific value of waste itself. The sum of both processes, it is clear the source of important raw materials that constitute the RSU, considerable even as renewable energy, especially if we consider that in Spain there are more than 15 million tons of MSW In the process of recovery where there is the greatest technological challenges. The Energo-tic use of these wastes can be done in two ways: through micro-biological processes: anaerobic fermentation or biogas, and by thermal processes monkeys: pyrolysis, gasification and combustion. The use of electric power today is done in two ways, from the combustion of biogas generated in MSW landfills as a product of anaerobic fermentation of organic matter discharged, and also in thermal treatment plants, by utilizing the calorific value of waste itself. The sum of both processes, it is clear the source of important raw materials that constitute the RSU, considerable even as renewable energy, especially if we consider that in Spain there are more than 15 million tons of MSW In the process of recovery where there is the greatest technological challenges. The Energo-tic use of these wastes can be done in two ways: through micro-biological processes: anaerobic fermentation or biogas, and by thermal processes monkeys: pyrolysis, gasification and combustion.
Part of the energy reaching the Earth from the Sun is absorbed by plants through photosyntesis and converted into organic matter with higher energy content than minerals. Thus, each year there are 2 10tons of dry organic matter, with an energy content equivalent to million toe (tons oil equivalent), which is roughly five times the energy demand mundial.2 Despite Thus, their dispersion makes huge advantage that only a fraction of it. Among the most notable forms of biomass for their energy use include energy fuels (sugar cane, beets...) and residues (agricultural, forestry, livestock, urban sewage sludge...).
Biodiesel Biodiesel refers to a vegetable oil- or animal fat-based diesel fuel consisting of long-chain alkyl (methyl, propyl or ethyl) esters. Biodiesel is typically made by chemically reacting lipids (e.g., vegetable oil, animal fat (tallow)) with an alcohol. Biodiesel is meant to be used in standard diesel engines and is thus distinct from the vegetable and waste oils used to fuel converted diesel engines. Biodiesel can be used alone, or blended with petrodiesel.