Cloud formation and Atmospheric CO2
Cloud Formation There are a few ways clouds form 1.Rising Hot Air 2.Warm air over a cold body of water 3.On Mountainsides
Rising hot Air As hot air rises, it will meet cold air. The hot air hitting the cold air increases humidity to 100%, causing clouds.
Warm Air Over a cold body of water Warm air moving over cold water causes the humidity of the air to increase to 100%, causing fog.
Moutainsides As warm air is forced up the side of a mountain, that warm air will condense and form clouds.
Atmospheric CO2 CO2 is called carbon dioxide It enters Earth’s atmosphere from the burning of fossil fuels.
Greenhouse gases CO2 is a greenhouse gas. Other Greenhouse gases include methane, water vapor, Nitrous Oxide CO2 is used by plants for photosynthesis. Plants can reduce the amount of CO2 in the air.
Greenhouse gases Greenhouse gases contribute to global warming. Global warming is the warming of Earth’s atmosphere by trapping the sun’s heat. More greenhouse gases = hotter Earth.
CO2 levels
Scientists say since the industrial revolution, CO2 levels have increased, which is leading to warmer Earth temperatures.
Average global temperature
Increased Global Temperature Increased global temperature means melting of polar ice caps If Polar Ice caps melt, Earth’s oceans might rise as high as 200 feet.