Urbanization WEEK OF FEB 8 TH
Bellringer: Feb 8 & 9 In which of the following places would you choose to live: a high-rise apartment in a big city or a 40-acre ranch bordering a national forest? Why? What factors would play a part in your decision?
Discuss homework Open “Land Use Interview” on Moodle. Interview 2 adults of different age groups who have lived in the area for over 10 years and then use the information gathered to write a summary of how Clermont has changed over the years. One individual can be a family member Due: Feb 19 th
Urban Sprawl Activity Open “Urban Sprawl Intro” and “Urban Sprawl Activity” in Schoology.
Bellringer: Feb 10 th Is the environmental impact of big cities all positive, all negative, or neither?
Continue Urban Sprawl Activity Page 2 “What would you do”
Complete page 4 of the Urban Sprawl Activity assignment (page 4 and 5 completed) to
Bellringer: Feb 11 & 12 Define Sprawl. What two factors contribute to it?
Download Urbanization Bookwork Begin bookwork using pages 292 – 304.
Notes: Urban Sprawl Urban Sprawl: the spread of low-density urban or suburban development outward from an urban center Contributors: Population Growth Increased per capita land consumption People like having space and privacy Highways and better telecommunications allow workers greater flexibility to live further from home
Patterns of Sprawl Uncentered Commercial Sprawl: Businesses in long strips along road Low-Density Single Use Residential: Homes are located in large lots Scattered/Leapfrog: Residences are built from a city center but not integrated into each other Sparse Street Network: Roads are built far apart to be undeveloped but not far enough to function as recreational areas
Impacts Transportation: People are forced to buy/drive cars Pollution: CO2 from cars. Motor oil and road salt seep into ground water Public Health: Physical inactivity leads to obesity and high blood pressure Land Use: More buildings and roads leave less land for farms, forests, and fields Economics: Wealthy people move and take their tax money with them.