7 th September 2015 Values Based Education
A value is a principle that guides our thinking and behaviour.
‘It’s Called RESPECT’ by The Fearless Lions
RESPECT In September, we will be exploring the value of
RESPECT You can have respect for someone because you admire something about them. You can have respect for someone’s feelings, their wishes or their rights. You can have respect for things other than humans or things that aren’t living.
Why should we have RESPECT? Do we like people to be rude to us? Do we like people to ignore us? Do we like people to hurt us? Do we like people to not trust us? Do we like people to take our things? Do we like people to break or spoil our things? Do we like people to mess up our special places? Do we like people to spoil our experiences? We can’t expect to be respected unless we show RESPECT.
trusting being polite being fair How can we show RESPECT being punctual listening being reliable caring following rules respecting ourselves keeping promises
consideration empathy patience equality Which other values values can we use RESPECT? to help us show RESPECT? tolerance love compassion kindness responsibility courage trust self control pride ???
Who do you RESPECT – and why?
Do you have to like someone to show them RESPECT? What could happen when people don’t show RESPECT to each other? Think about a situation where someone is upset. Is ‘DISRESPECT’ at the root of the problem? Why is it very hard to show RESPECT sometimes? Would the world be different if people were more RESPECTFUL? How could RESPECT change YOUR own world?
A quiet moment of reflection... RESPECT
As we reflect, think about how RESPECT makes the world a better place to be.
As we reflect, think about how important it is to show RESPECT to everything in the world around us. Think about how you can help to make the world a better place.
And finally – for the adults... One of the most important things you can teach a child is RESPECT. Keep in mind that RESPECT is not the same as obedience. Children might obey because they are afraid. If they RESPECT you, they will obey because they know you want what's best for them. The best way to teach RESPECT is to show RESPECT. When a child experiences RESPECT, they know what it feels like and begin to understand how important it is. nology.com/tutorials/t eaching/respect/