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snoop hunt for rocks travel climb things get your hands dirty wear old clothes be outdoors A LOT smell fresh air dig in the dirt love school solve jigsaw puzzles learn really long words play with bones
…then you might be a
A paleontologist is a scientist who studies fossils Paleontology is the study of ancient life, specifically anything older than 10,000 years.
Do you think that Paleontologist only study about dinosaurs?
Dinosaurs get all the credit! Click to learn more about how to become a Paleontologist
Dinosaurs get all the credit! Click to learn more about how to become a Paleontologist
What’s it like to dig for dinosaurs?
Read about a most recent discovery!
Read about a most recent discovery!
Digging for fossils is HARD WORK!
Wow this sounds really cool mineralogy petrology chemistry biology mathematics Engineering/ Computer Science paleontology
I really really want to do this job! Volunteer at a local museum Participate in a dig Read, read, read Participate in science contests Study math and science Join scientific societies Check out National Parks BE PASSIONATE Volunteer at a lab
So where do paleontologists work?
Check out the Big Bone Lab
To Learn More…visit these sites How to be an aspiring paleontologist How to become a paleontologist Recent discoveries Paleontology Career information for future Paleontologists More about dinosaurs Myths about Paleontologists
To Learn More…visit these sites How to be an aspiring paleontologist How to become a paleontologist Recent discoveries Paleontology Career information for future Paleontologists More about dinosaurs Myths about Paleontologists