Unit 4 A Garden Of Poems What English poems, songs or rhymes have you read? Can you recite any?


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Presentation transcript:

Unit 4 A Garden Of Poems

What English poems, songs or rhymes have you read? Can you recite any?

A rhyme /Good, /better, /best! /Never /let it /rest! /Till /good is /better, /And /better, /best!

Poetry poems songs rhymes limericks

A rhyme /Pick an /apple, /pick a /pear, /Pick a /banana /over /there. /Let’s /work, and /let’s /play, /Picking /apples /every /day!

走进一间房, 四面都是墙, 抬头见老鼠, 低头见蟑螂! 门前一只狗, 在啃肉骨头, 又来一只狗, 双双打破头!

A teacher from Singapore. Taught at middle school No 4. It didn’t take students long To see something was wrong: The man was as mad as a door!

A teacher from Singapore Taught at middle school No 4. It didn’t take students long To see something was wrong: The man was as mad as a door! 老师来自新加坡, 四中课堂来讲座. 学生花时不太长, 就已看出事不祥 : 原来老师是疯魔 ! Rhyme: AABBA

A large lady from Corfu, Wished to travel to Peru. But Whether buses or trains Or boarding aeroplanes, There wasn’t a door she’d get through. What’s the meaning of this limerick? Corfu is an island that belongs to Greece. Peru is a country on the northeast coast of Latin America.

The meaning of this limerick is that there once was a very fat lady, who wanted to travel from Corfu to Peru. But she was so fat that she could not get on any bus, train or aeroplane.

A large lady from Corfu Wished to travel to Peru. But whether buses or trains Or boarding aeroplanes, There wasn’t a door she’d get through. 肥婆来自科福 想要游玩秘鲁, 无奈车门太小 飞机同样不好, 体肥而把门堵. Rhyme: AABBA

A teacher from Singapore Taught at middle school No 4. It didn’t take students long To see something was wrong: The man was as mad as a door! Limerick 1Limerick 2 Theme( 主题 ) About _________About __________ Number of lines Rhyming What’s a limerick? a fat lady a mad teacher 55 AABBA A humorous 5-line poem about people’s daily life, with the rhyming of AABBA. A large lady from Corfu, Wished to travel to Peru. But Whether buses or trains Or boarding aeroplanes, There wasn’t a door she’d get through.

Big Big World I’m a big big girl, In a big big world. It’s not a big big thing. If you leave me, But I do do feel That I do do will miss you much, miss you much. * I can see the first leaves falling. It’s all so yellow and nice; It’s so very cold outside Like the way I’m feeling inside. * Outside it’s now raining, And tears are falling from my eyes. Why did it have to happen? Why did it have to end? * I have your arms around me, Wooh like fire. But when I open my eyes, You’re gone!

Big big world /I’m a/ big /big /girl, /In a /big /big /world. /It’s not a /big /big /thing. /If you /leave /me, /But I /do /do /feel /That I /do /do /will /miss /you /much, /miss /you /much.

静思 独立寒雪中, 仰望不夜空, 一轮明皎月, 凉悬在苍穹。 我欲托仙子, 捎信广寒宫, 无奈风云起, 月色渐朦胧。 这首小诗 作于上世纪八 十年代。曾收 录于安徽省青 年诗集 ---- 《青 春风采》 作者 : 中慧。 五律: AAAAA

One-hearted Wang Wei When those red berries come in springtime, Flushing on your southland branches, Take home an armful, for my sake, As a symbol of our love. Notes: 1.berry 浆果,莓,豆。 2.flush 萌发,旺盛。 3.armful 一抱 一束 4.symbol 象征

相思 王维 红豆生南国 春来发几枝 劝君多采撷 此物最相思 五绝 AAAAA

Listen to the tape again and answer the following questions: 1.What is the dialogue about? 1.What is the dialogue about? A.A student is looking for some poems to read. A.A student is looking for some poems to read. B.A teacher is looking for a garden. B.A teacher is looking for a garden. 2.What kind of book is A Garden Of Poems? 2.What kind of book is A Garden Of Poems? A.A collection of poems B. A story about poems A.A collection of poems B. A story about poems 3.Which topic for poetry does the student like? 3.Which topic for poetry does the student like? A.About the World War B. About nature A.About the World War B. About nature √ √ √

1.Listen to the tape and tick the words that are used in the dialogue: ( )poem ( )the sea ( )collection ( )nature ( )the World War ( )animals ( ) the countryside ( )gardens ( )the moon ( )paintings √ √ √√ √√ √

1. 《 A Garden Of Poems 》 2. 《 The Earth Is Painted Green 》 3. 《 1001 Songs and Poems in English 》 4. 《 Poems between The World Wars 》 5. 《 English Poems Of The Early Seventeenth Century 》 Which type does each collection belong to? Poems sorted by names Poems sorted by period of time Poems sorted by topic

S:Hello. Could you help me, please? I want to read some poems L: Have you read any poetry before? S: Yes, we read some at school, but I didn’t like it very much. I want to find something nice. L: There are some different ways to choose a poem. If you have a favorite writer, you can choose a book with his or her poems, but if you don’t know any names, you’d better start with books that are collections of poems. In such books you usually find poems by different writers. You see here’s a book called A Garden of Poems, or this one, 1001 Songs and poems in English

S: Should I read all those poems? L: No, don’t worry. What most people do is to go through them until you see a poem that you like. Maybe you like the title, or the topic, or you might like the first or last lines of the poem. S: I see. What else have you got? L: Some books bring together the work of writers from a certain period of time. You see, English Poems of the Early Seventeenth Century or Poetry between the World Wars. Other books have poems about a certain topic. The topic can be human feelings, such as humor or love. There is also poetry about nature, you can look for poems about flowers, trees and plants or, about the sea or the countryside. So, what would you like to read?

S: I don’t know, Shakespeare, maybe? L: I think Shakespeare is a little bit difficult for you. It’ll be easier if you choose something modern. What kind of topic would you like? S: I like reading about nature. L: Have a look at this book. It’s called The Earth is Painted Green. If you have any more questions, you can come and ask me. S: Yes, I’ll do that. Thank you very much for your help.

Homwork: 1.Try to write a poem,better use English. 2.Preview Speaking and Reading

Thank you,bye-bye!

Unit 4A Garden Of Poems