Allegories, Symbolism, Fables, and Idioms
Allegory An allegory is a story, poem, or picture that can be interpreted to reveal a hidden meaning, typically a moral or political one. The characters, events, and conflicts in an allegory are meant to represent people, events, and conflicts from the real world.
Symbolism Symbolism is the use of symbols to represent ideas or qualities. When an allegory uses characters, events, conflicts, objects, etc. to represent things from real life, that is symbolism.
“The Butter Battle Book” Dr. Seuss’ story, “The Butter Battle Book” is an example of an allegory. Through examining the characters, events, and conflicts in the story--and determining what things from the real world they might represent--we can determine what kind of a statement Dr. Seuss was trying to make.
Fable A fable is a short, simple allegory that features animals, plants, objects, or forces of nature which are anthropomorphized, and that illustrates a moral lesson, usually in the form of an idiom. (e.g. “Slow and steady wins the race”).
Anthropomorphism: Anthropomorphism is the attribution of human characteristics or behavior to a god, animal, object, or force of nature.
Idiom An idiom is a commonly-used, often clichéd phrase or expression that has a figurative, or sometimes literal, meaning. Sometimes conveys a bit of conventional wisdom. (Figurative: Metaphorical or allegorical meaning of words) (Literal: Usual or basic meaning of words)
Examples of Idioms “You’re pulling my leg.” To pull someone's leg means to trick them by telling them something untrue.
Examples of Idioms “Are you feeling blue?” To feel blue means to feel sad.
Examples of Idioms “Keep your head above water.” To keep one's head above water means to manage a situation or keep from being overwhelmed.
Examples of Idioms “The early bird gets the worm.” To be successful, act sooner rather than later.
Other Idioms… Oh no! You spilled the beans! - to “spill the beans” means to let out a secret. That jacket costs an arm and a leg. - an “arm and a leg” means something is very expensive. It is not rocket science. -“rocket science” refers to something difficult. Put a sock in it. - an impolite way to say, "shut up!" (another idiom), be quiet, and stop talking. The devil is in the details. - things may look good on the surface, but upon scrutiny, undesirable aspects are revealed. Break a leg. - good luck in a performance/presentation etc. Waste not, want not. - this has no figurative meaning, but it counts as an idiom because people keep saying it. Go take a chill pill. (?) I have butterflies in my stomach. (?) Keep your chin up. (?)