intrepid (adj.) An intrepid person is someone who is fearless or brave. Synonyms: bold, courageous, gallant, heroic Reinhold Messner intrepidly climbed Mt. Everest without bottled oxygen. Firefighters are often intrepid, fearlessly going into burning buildings to save people.
fraternity (n.) It is like a club that can be referred to as a brotherhood or sisterhood. These groups can be formed for social or professional reasons. If you fraternize someone, you are being friendly to him or her. Definition: A group of people with similar interests. Synonyms: society, club, brother/sisterhood, sorority
obdurate (adj.) Can you figure out what obdurate means in this poem: Obdurate Ollie dug his heels in the sand, Refusing to go along with the plan. And so stubborn Ollie was left behind, Until he decided to change his mind. Definition: stubborn to the point of being obnoxious Synonyms: obstinate, stubborn, adamant, unyielding
bibliophile (n.) Read this nursey rhyme to figure out what bibliophile means. Sarah was a bibliophile, Loved her books and read all the while. Went to the library every day, And when offered a book, never said, “Nay.” She loved their smell and feel and words, And to those who didn’t read, she said, “How absurd! For books are for me a lasting joy, And are better than any toy.” Definition: a lover of books
omnivore (n.) Omnivorous eaters eat everything: meat, plants, herbs, fish, insects, anything that can be digested. Carnivorous eaters, on the other hand, eat only meat. Herbivorous eaters eat only plants. For the most part as humans we are omnivorous. We eat plants and animals. Omnivorous eaters devour or greedily eat everything. One of the most famous omnivorous animals is the great white shark. Over the years, entire kegs of nails, treasure chests, and even a suit of armor have been found in the stomachs of great whites.