Water Cycle Project
Pre-AP Project Each student will create a model of the water cycle which can be used to teach a fellow blind student. You will be graded on the following: It must be made exclusively out of recycled items. Must include the following parts of the water cycle, and be able to explain each: Evaporation, Condensation, Precipitation, Run Off, Infiltration, Sublimation, and Transpiration. Must be an effective tool to teach a blind person. (Must be able to identify each “part” via touch and use no visual cues) No liquids are allowed in class.
6 th Grade Science Project Develop a poster that details all the parts of the water cycle with a unique theme. Must include the following parts of the water cycle, and be able to explain each: Evaporation, Condensation, Precipitation, Run Off, Infiltration, Sublimation, and Transpiration. Must be an effective tool to present/teach from. No liquids allowed in class.