The water cycle is the endless path water takes from the Earth to the clouds and back again through four steps: Precipitation Evaporation Transpiration Condensation
Precipitation The first step to the water cycle is precipitation precipitation which is when it rains down on earth in the four forms of water, such as: Rain SleetSnowHail
After it rains down on earth the water settles down and allows for the next step in the water cycle, transpiration.
Transpiration runoffWhen water exceeds Earth’s capability to absorb it, the water flows over the surface into lakes and streams in a process called runoff. transpiration.Much of that runoff returns to the atmosphere because of evaporation from the lakes, soil and streams. Plants absorb that water and release it into the atmosphere through transpiration. (in other words, the plants sweat).
Evaporation Evaporation is when the Water vapor. water on Earth evaporates in a form of a gas called Water vapor. The water vapor is then saturated into the clouds.
Condensation Condensation Condensation is when the water vapor is compacted into a liquid depending on the temperature. That determines whether its rain, sleet, snow, or hail. Rain being in the warmest temperature and hail being in the coolest.