The Structure of UK Science: Lessons to be learned. Ian Halliday Chief Executive Particle Physics and Astronomy Research Council.


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Presentation transcript:

The Structure of UK Science: Lessons to be learned. Ian Halliday Chief Executive Particle Physics and Astronomy Research Council

Science and Innovation Department of Trade and Industry Office of Science and technology Research Councils: CCLRC, PPARC, EPSRC, NERC, BBSRC, MRC, ESRC, AHRB PPARC: 450 M€/annum CERN, ESA, ESO, Universities

Universities Teaching, Research, Innovation, Knowledge transfer Research Assessment Exercise 1,2,3,4,5,5* QR money Full Economic Costs Project Costs Faculty Salaries FP7

Linear Collider 30 km electron positron collider € 3-6 Billion Technology decision Global Design Effort Funding Agencies for the Linear Collider KEK this week. UK € 150 million to € 450 million.

Extremely Large Telescopes 30 m Thirty Meter telescope: Cal Tech 100 m Overwhelmingly Large Telescope : ESO Agreed: NSF ESO (Europe) Japan(?) Compare technologies Agree co-operation or competition €1 billion

Planetary Exploration ESA & NASA Martian Exploration: Robots or Humans Aurora programme Rover Sample return R&D phase €5 million