Anti-Semitism / Stages of the Holocaust World History
History of Anti-Semitism Cultural differences made the Jews standout Jews generally lived in close-knit communities Have been demonized, discriminated against by Christians for 2000 years Christianity needed Judaism as a contrast - to make Christianity look better, to act as a scapegoat
History of Anti-Semitism 30 CE - Christ is killed. 325 CE - Christianity becomes official religion of the Roman Empire. Jews negatively portrayed. 5th-7th Centuries - Violence escalates Middle Ages - Jews less than human, killed in the Crusades, demonized, blamed for Black Death
History of Anti-Semitism Renaissance/Reformation - Jews had to wear badges or cones on head, in Italy and Germany they were separated into ghettos Spanish Inquisition 17th-18th Century tensions eased
Anti-Semitism in Germany.08% of population (~500,000) Fully integrated into Germany society Supported WWI and the German Empire Mostly lived in large cities
Anti-Semitism in Germany Hitler blamed Jews/Marxists for loss of WWI The Aryan Race - “Pure Germans” superior Incorrectly names Jews as a race Struggle for world domination History and biology changed to match anti-Semitic views
Boycott of Jewish Businesses Germany Sets up idea that Jews are not Germans and isolates them
SA pickets, wearing boycott signs, block the entrance to a Jewish-owned shop. The signs read: "Germans, defend yourselves against the Jewish atrocity propaganda, buy only at German shops!" and "Germans, defend yourselves, buy only at German shops!"
Two Nazi stormtroopers stand guard in front of the H. L. Heimann store in Bopfingen, to prevent would-be shoppers from violating the Nazi boycott of Jewish-owned businesses.
Nuremberg Laws Germany Defined who was a Jew Deprived Jews of political rights
Kristallnacht Germany “Night of the Broken Glass” Organized violence against Jews throughout Germany and Austria
The fire department only made sure the fire did not spread to the building next to the synagogue
View of the interior of the Essenweinstrasse synagogue in Nuremberg following its destruction during Kristallnacht.
Ghettos German occupied territories Small areas of a city where Jews were isolated
Einsatzgruppen Poland and Russia Mobile Killing Squads
Deportations Throughout Europe Movement of Jews to ghettos and then to camps
Jews board a deportation train at the railroad station in Würzburg.
Hundreds of Jews wait to board deportation trains at the railroad station in Würzburg. Their luggage and bed rolls are piled in the center of the platform.
Jews from the Lodz ghetto board deportation trains for the Chelmno death camp
Camps Throughout Europe Different types: labor camps, concentration camps, and death camps
“Work makes one free”
Human remains found in the Dachau concentration camp crematorium after liberation. Germany, April 1945.
Liberation Throughout Europe Allies liberate camps