Chapter 16: sections 3 and 4 By: ? and ? HOLOCAUST/ALLIES WIN THE WAR
Add Picture here What was the past in Europe like for Jews in Germany and in the rest of Europe? What was one of the things that had been blamed on the Jews of Germany in the recent past Hitler would use this past history to make the Jews in Germany a scapegoat for Germans troubles. What does that mean? What was Hitler’s master plan in terms of what kind of people would live in Germany and be true “Germans”? THE ROOTS OF THE HOLOCAUST
1935 Nuremberg Laws: Describe specifically what these were and what they were supposed to have accomplished. What happened on Kristallnacht? How was this night different from previous government policies? Add Picture here TARGETING JEWS: GOVERNMENT POLICY
Add Picture here In the late ‘30s, what did Hitler hope that German Jews would do in reaction to Kristallnacht and the Nuremberg laws? What happened when many Jews tried to leave Germany? What was Hitler’s next step as to where Jews would live? What was his goal with these places? What was the biggest ghetto in Europe? What was life like there? TIMES GETTING GRIM
THE FINAL SOLUTION What really was the “Final Solution”? With this plan, what was Hitler trying to protect? Besides the Jews, who else was considered a “threat”? At first, how was this plan carried out? Because of sheer numbers, what did the Nazis do next? How deathly efficient was this new method of the “Final Solution”?
REFER TO PREVIOUS SLIDE In terms of percentage, what Europoean country suffered most from the Holocaust? Of the major countries directly affected by the Holocaust, who had the smallest number of Jews at the beginning of the war? Which country PROBABLY had the largest Jewish population if you included all of their territory?
What major change happens in the European campaign in 1942? Who was it that would fight the Germans on the continent, and who would fight them in North Africa? Briefly describe how the campaign in N. Africa was won for the allies. THE WAR AGAINST GERMANY TURNS
Where was it that the successful German campaign in the USSR began to stall out What was the biggest contributing factor to that? Describe the battle of Stalingrad. What turned around that battle and how did it influence the war? Add Picture here SOVIET UNION AND THE “EASTERN” CAMPAIGN
Where did Stalin want the U.S. and Britain to battle Germany at? Where did they decide to go instead? Where did the Allies invade first and how long did it take? How long did it take to topple the rest of the country after the first objective was done? Once Sicily was taken, describe what happened to the fascist leader, Benito Mussolini? ON TO GERMANY (THROUGH ITALY)
ON THE HOME FRONT Describe what total war was like at home. What were the sacrifices that had to be made and what were the economic changes? How were civil rights affected by the fact that there was total war going on?
Who was supreme commander of the D-Day invasion on the beaches of Normandy? How did the Allies try to keep Hitler guessing as to where D- Day was going to be? Describe what the battle was like. What was the final result a month later from the success of the D- Day invasion? Add Picture here GERMANY’S LAST GASP
EUROPEAN SURRENDER! Give the name of the last German offensive before the end of the war. Where did they do this and how was it successful? How did it ultimately fail? Who was it that won the race to Berlin? What was Hitler’s reaction to this? What President and Allied general accepted the Nazi surrender?
Where did the Americans land in ‘44 for the invasion of the Philippines? In the Leyte Gulf, what is the ultimate gamble that the Japanese took to halt American advancement? Why did they take it and how did it work out? What were the names of the “divine wind” pilots that caused Allied ships so many problems? In 1945, what were the two Japanese island battles that paved the way for a potential American invasion of Japan? Why were they so tough? Add picture here THE SUN SETS ON THE JAPANESE
What “project” gave President Truman an option besides full scale invasion of Japan? What were the reasons why we chose using such an overwhelmingly destructive weapon? Where were our two Atom bombs dropped and when? What were the important dates of Japanese surrender? Add picture here THE FINAL END TO WORLD WAR II