The Holocaust
Persecution Begins April 4th, 1933: Hitler orders all “_______________” to be removed from all government jobs. One of the first moves towards ________________.
Why the Jews? __________________: or the hatred of Jews, had deep roots in European history. Many Germans looked for a scapegoat to ___________________________________. Hitler blamed the Jews for Germany’s ___________________ and for its __________________ following the war. As Nazis tightened their hold on Germany, their persecution of the Jews _____________. In 1935, the ___________________ stripped Jews of their civil rights and the ________________ property if they tried to leave Germany. Jews over the age of six had to wear the _______________________ on their clothes.
Kristallnacht Known as the “_____________________” Gangs of Nazi storm troopers attacked Jewish _______, _____________, and synagogues across Germany. Streets of the city were ________________. 20,000 Jews were arrested.
Plight of the Jewish Refugees Beginning in 1933, tens of thousands of Jews fled Germany each year. After Kristallnacht, Germans began to _____________________________. France already had 40,000 Jewish refugees and didn’t want anymore. British were admitting ___________________. In 1938, a German foreign minister was quoted as saying, “We all want to get rid of the Jews. The difficulty is that no country ________________________.” _________________ fled to the US, including Albert Einstein. More could have come, but the US had _____________________________. They did not relax the quotas because of their own _______________ and felt refugees would take jobs away.
The Final Solution Since all of the Jews could not emigrate, healthy Jews were ______________________ to perform slave labor. The rest would be send to _____________________. Plan was decided at the _____________________. They figured that the elderly, sick, and young children should go directly to the extermination camps to the ____________________. The Nazi “________________” rested on the belief that the Aryans were a superior race. Not only Jews were enslaved or put to death. They also eliminated _____________, Gypsies, Jehovah Witnesses, ______________, the insane, and _______________.
Life in the Camps __________________ was a cycle of hunger, humiliation, and work. All ending in death. ___________________ in the gas chambers at ______________ and __________. Cyanide gas came out of the walls and showerheads, while prisoners believed they were going to get a shower. Bodies were buried in pits or were ________________________. Prisoners were not only gassed, they were shot, hung, sterilized, or victims of awful _________________________.
Six million Jews died in the death camps. In only a few years, Jewish culture had been virtually obliterated by the Nazis in the lands they conquered. “Work Makes You Free” - The gate at Auschwitz