Day 166 Science Grid week 3, Monday: 1.What are the 3 parts of the sun? 2.What is nuclear fusion? 3.Which moon phase means it is growing? 4.What is an almost full moon called?
Today’s Objectives Discover the moon and it’s phases.
Today we will… 1.Check Moon sheet from Friday. 2.Brain Pop—Moon 3.Phases, Eclipses, & Tides in text book
Brain Pop—Moon
Phases, Eclipses & Tides—TOC #24 Read pages 570—575 & 578 Fill in the notes sheet.
Eclipses (page 573) 10. When the moon’s shadow hits Earth or Earth’s shadow hits the moon, what occurs? 11. What are the two types of eclipses?
Solar Eclipse (page 574) 12. The darkest part of a shadow is called the __ 13. What happens to cause a solar eclipse? 14. The larger part of a shadow, surrounding the umbra, is called the ___. 15. Write each sentence that is true about solar eclipses. a.People in the umbra see only a partial solar eclipse. b.During a partial solar eclipse, part of the sun remains visible. c.During a total solar eclipse, the sky is dark. d.People in the penumbra see a total solar eclipse.
Lunar Eclipse (page 575) 16. What is the arrangement of Earth, moon, and sun during a lunar eclipse? 17. Write each sentence that is true about lunar eclipses. a. People in Earth’s umbra see a total lunar eclipse. b. A lunar eclipse occurs at a full moon. c. During a lunar eclipse, Earth blocks sunlight from reaching the moon. d. A partial lunar eclipse occurs when the moon passes partly into the umbra of Earth’s shadow.
Notes—Moon Phases TOC #25 The moon’s day and year are exactly the same, so we always see the same side of the moon. The moon’s gravity creates tides.
MOON PHASES The changes in the way the moon looks from Earth during the month. The phase you see depends on how much of the sunlit side of the moon is facing earth.
PHASE NAMES New Moon: Totally Black Waxing Crescent: Waxing means growing. First Quarter: We can see half of the half of the moon that is lit. Waxing Gibbous: More than half can be seen. Full Moon: You see all the lit side. Waning Gibbous: Waning means you see less! Third Quarter: Notice the half you see is reversed. Waning Crescent: It is almost gone again!
Lunar Eclipse in Bristow 2012 Full moonEclipse beginning
Phases of the Moon Using page 572 in your book Fill out the moon chart Color the dark side of the moon (no light on it)
Homework Earth, Moon, and Sun sheet