In-Club Service Opportunities TLH Beta Club is partnering with Habitat for Humanity of Anderson County. ANY SERVICE THAT YOU DO THROUGH HABITAT WILL COUNT AS IN-CLUB HOURS. If you are 16 or older, you may work on job sites with your parent’s permission. If you are 14 or older, you may volunteer to help at Habitat’s Re-Store on Murray Ave. with your parent’s permission. You may contact them yourself about volunteering, or you can work through the Beta Club on one of our Project Saturdays. Our first is March 5. We need 2 groups of students, one group from 9:00-12:00 and another from 12:30-3:30. If interested, sign up with Mr. Powell and get a permission form.
In-Club Service Opportunities We are also going to do some work around Anderson through Re-Build Upstate. This mainly consists of improving living conditions for people who need assistance (i.e. building ramps for wheelchair access). Our first project date with Re-Build is Saturday, April 23. See Mr. Powell to sign up and for a permission form.
In-Club Service Opportunities The Anderson Area YMCA is conducting Water Safety Week March 28-April 1. Ms. Madison Brunson from the YMCA is in charge of the event and what she needs from volunteers is: 2 people to check in participants each day, as well as help hand out snacks after lessons. Approximately 4-5 volunteers per time slot to actually be in the water, working hands on with the children. 1-2 volunteers to be her eyes and ears on the deck – essentially crowd control. Should the parents want to watch, or if they bring siblings, she just wants to have someone on deck to help talk about the program; keep kids from entering the water who are not instructed to/not part of the program people for the Water Safety Day to help with crowd control, watching children as they show their parents the skills learned, handing out food and drink, and congratulating participants. If interested, see Mr. Powell or Kailey Fereirra (student) for more info.
In-Club Service Opportunities (On Campus) The administration has noticed a few things we can do on campus to help out. 1. Ongoing project – Any Beta student may receive in-club hours for helping clean up the front of campus and the front parking lots in the afternoon from 4:00-4:30 during the week. You will need to sign-up with Mr. Powell BEFORE volunteering. There is no limit to how many times you help with this project. 2. Possible future project – We are looking into adopting the courtyard between the library and the mall. If this goes through, there will be a few days each month that we get together to clean up leaves, plants new flowers, possible build an harbor, those types of things. I will let you know more on this when I know more.
Attendance Attendance. Make sure that you are marked present.